In claim the prosecutor the sports ground near MBOUSECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 68 and MBOU SSH NO. 42 OF LIPETSK will be repaired

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Prosecutor's office Levoberezhny District Lipetsk on the basis of an order of Prosecutor's office Lipetsk region is carried out by

an inspection according to the address of the deputy Lipetsk regional councils of deputies Tokarev S. V. about restoration of the universal multipurpose sports ground with a synthetic covering near MBOU SSH NO. 68 OF CITY OF LIPETSK.


It is established that the sports ground which part the football field with the synthetic covering is, located in the territory between MBOU SSH NO. 68 OF CITY OF LIPETSK and MBOU SSH NO. 42 OF LIPETSK is on balance of MBOUSECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 42. On this sports construction children of two schools are engaged.

According to information provided of MBOU SSH NO. 42 OF LIPETSK, now the covering became useless. In April, 2016 the synthetic covering was dismantled because of a travmoopasnost. The protection on perimeter of the sports ground is damaged. Restoration of the sports ground demands considerable financial expenses which the educational organization has no.

Meanwhile, according to the item of 15 h. 3 Art. 28 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "About education to Russian Federation", educational institution create conditions for protection and strengthening of health of the being trained. According to Art. 34 of the specified law the being trained have the right for life and health protection.

For elimination of violations of the current legislation the prosecutor Levoberezhny District Lipetsk appealed to court with the requirement to oblige Department formations of administration Lipetsk to allocate money for carrying out repair work of a sports and sports zone, and the educational organization - to equip sports grounds according to requirements of sanitary standards.

the court Decision claims of the prosecutor are satisfied by

in full.

Prosecutor's office Levoberezhny District Lipetsk