Special reporting: Li Keqiang will submit the Chinese decisions and will strengthen friendship during the forthcoming trip to

@IA Sin'hua
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Beijing, 18 September/Xinhua / - The prime minister State Council of People's Republic of China Li Keqiang during a trip to will take part from September 18 to September 28 in the 71st session General Assembly of the United Nations and will make official visits to Canada and to Cuba.

during a trip some actions will take place for the first time: its first emergence on General Assembly institution Obiyedinenny nations, the first trip within the mechanism of annual dialogue between the Chinese prime minister and the prime minister Canada, and also the first official visit of the prime minister State Council of People's Republic of China to Cuba in 56 years after establishment of diplomatic relations between two countries.

It is expected p that during the forthcoming trip Li Keqiang declares the Chinese practical options of counteraction to various global challenges and will strengthen relations with Canada and Cuba.

Emergence in United Nations: the Chinese decisions in the attention center

the 71st session General Assembly of the United Nations opened on September 13 in which representatives from 193 members of United Nations for discussion of a number of global questions, including a sustainable development, implementation of the Parisian agreement on climate, terrorism, a trend of anti-globalization and others took part.

On this background and in a year when the 45th anniversary of transfer of a place China in United Nations to Government of People's Republic of China is celebrated, the first emergence Li Keqiang in General Assembly institution Obiyedinenny nations draw great attention around the world.

the program of its visit to United Nations enter performance on general political discussions within session of General Assembly institution Obiyedinenny nations, participation in a symposium on implementation of the Agenda in the field of a sustainable development till 2030 and two meetings on questions of refugees, and also a number of bilateral meetings.

"the Chairman China Xi Jinping during participation in actions for a case of the 70 anniversary of creation of United Nations last year declared p a number of measures and the promises of the Chinese party directed on support of United Nations, and the prime minister Li Keqiang, as expected, will give updated information on realization of these measures and promises", - Jan Siyuy, the researcher of the Chinese institute of the international researches declared.

According to him, besides new information on Xi Jinping in United Nations last year, it is expected that Li Keqiang also will shed light on the Chinese foreign policy and a position of the country on various questions and by that will allow to know better better China.

the Chinese prime minister also will meet representatives of financial sector, the analytical centers and mass media to United States of America.

"The planned actions show to p innovations and strategic thinking of new generation of the Chinese leaders under the authority of public diplomacy", - Jan Siyuy noted.

Debut of dialogue of prime ministers China and Canada: the new era of the bilateral relations

the Trip Li Keqiang became the first visit of the Chinese prime minister to the "maple leaf" country in 13 years. Moreover, this beginning of annual dialogue of prime ministers of two countries.

Annual dialogue is the mechanism installed at the end of August when Li Keqiang met in Beijing the Canadian colleague Tryudo Justin.

according to many experts, an exchange of their visits for less, than month is a sign of fast "warming" of the bilateral relations and draws great attention.

According to the plan, Li Keqiang has to visit more than twenty actions in the different cities from Ottawa to Montreal, including political negotiations, forums on trade and economy, and also cultural exchanges which will promote mutual trust and practical cooperation between China and Canada.

according to the Canadian Minister of Finance Bill Morno, participation Canada in Asian bank of infrastructure investments "became obvious the best choice". Really in interests of both countries to increase pie of mutually beneficial cooperation.

China is the second-large trade partner Canada, a source of import and the market for its export. Their economy highly complements each other and cooperation with the third countries possess high potential, especially in sector of high technologies, agriculture, power sources, and also.


. Tryudo Justin hoped that strengthening of the bilateral relations will bring new opportunities to the Canadian enterprises, and the Chinese companies - chance to expand business in Canada.

"Generally, China conducts the thought-over work on construction of a multi-polar economic and diplomatic framework which are characterized by positive interaction, mutual benefit and mutually advantageous result, by means of cooperation in different areas and a different orientation, with various developed forces as Germany, France and Canada", - Jan Siyuy told.

Deepening of the Chinese-Cuban relations

Visit Li Keqiang are the first official visit of the Chinese prime minister to Cuba after establishment of diplomatic relations between two states 56 years ago.

Professor of the Havana university Ruben Zardoya characterized visit as "the main event" in the relations between Cuba and China.

He also hoped that visit Li Keqiang will bring "new investments, technologies and more close connections with the outside world" to Cuba.

China and Cuba are "good friends, brothers and companions", and their relations for half a century became strong and mature.

In the bilateral relations of the states when Cuba, seeking to update the mode of economic growth and to find diversified diplomatic strategy, attaches bigger significance to the relations with China.

during visit, participation Li Keqiang in a ceremony of the meeting organized by the chairman of the Cuban State Council and Council of ministers Cuba by Raul Modesto Kastro Rus and an exchange of opinions between heads on questions, representing mutual interest is expected.

Both countries also will sign more than thirty documents on cooperation in such areas, as economy, technologies, financing, capacities, quality control and environmental protection.

China is the second largest trade partner Cuba, and Cuba is the largest trade partner China in the Caribbean region.

the Research associate of Institute the Chinese Academy of social sciences Xu Shicheng noted that trade and economic relations between China and Cuba become stronger high rates, but the total amount of bilateral commodity turnover not really big.

"The people and the government Cuba hope that visit Li Keqiang will give a strong push to development of trade and economic relations Cuba-China", - Xu Shicheng emphasized.

According to him, production and infrastructure Cuba which are rather poorly developed, need cars, the equipment and technicians from China ". Industrial cooperation between two states has high potential", - the employee of institute noted.