Sellers of air. They assure that Muscovites experience oxygen starvation

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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by Most of all on air builders and the realtors offering houses in

Most of all on air builders and the realtors offering houses in "pure areas"

earn the Photo: Zakharov Dimitri

on September 12 authors of an initiative of creation of "a green belt" the capitals declared that the offers sent them already more than three thousand Muscovites. Meanwhile, using interest of citizens to a subject of purity of environment, quirky businessmen start selling in Moscow... air.

More precisely — oxygen. In it realtors, restaurateurs, physicians and inventors of various "tricks" like cans with the London fog with might and main trade. Trade in air prospers. But whether it is necessary to buy it? Usually air sell under a label "health". Say, you breathe — and you become other person!

It is all about the magic bubbles

I Come in the fitness center on the Garden ring in resepshenbar. Protein drinks, power engineering specialists, freshly squeezed juice, and here they — oxygen cocktails. I order a glass for 200 rubles. Barmensha filters from a cylinder colourless bubbles in half liter, as from under beer, capacity. Strained off, gives me with a tubule. I involve this unclear substance. Taste — zero. Too I do not feel effect.

— And in what sense of cocktail? — as though accidentally I ask the girl.

— Blood and fabrics are sated with oxygen. Ease appears! — Seriously? — And you do not feel? — In any place! Barmensha shrugs shoulders.

— is Told, morning after well helps — the huge beefy man pulling from a jar protein drink laughs loudly. — But, in my opinion, beer is better! There are the bar, 200 rubles disappointed with loss.

— Oxygen cocktails are widely used by p in resort business, but it is necessary to apply them a course and every day on some. From incidental reception I pound almost any — the immunologist, the leading expert of Clinic of asthma and immunology Yezhova Olga tells. — After all oxygen which is dissolved in one portion of cocktail, there is not a lot of.

of Hm … Meanwhile the Internet is hammered with advertizing of wonderful cocktails. You buy (the average price from 800 to 1000 rubles) the oxygen concentrator or an oxygen cylinder and by means of a mixer you cook drink. The cylinder suffices on 15-20 portions. Not so expensively for health maintenance, and?

— the Controversial question — shrugs shoulders Yezhova Olga . — On the one hand and: oxygen in Moscow really does not suffice. The matter is that in the city about five million cars, in everyone — an internal combustion engine which burns not only fuel, but also oxygen. In windless weather when to the city there is no inflow of fresh air, concentration of oxygen in air significantly decreases. On the other hand, in Moscow a huge number of parks where more than it is enough oxygen. Walk there, and run better, play sports, it is the best prevention of oxygen starvation. At active breath all fabrics of an organism are perfectly supplied with oxygen.

by words Yezhova Olga , the same effect it is possible to reach even in the yard or at school stadium.

of the Pillow — only for patients

Try to earn on oxygen and physicians. I come into policlinic near Volokolamskoye Highway. Near registry — advertizing of pressures chamber. "Without leaving out of limits Moscow, you can inhale curative air of Elbrus! If you want to strengthen your immune system, to cope with stresses, to adapt heart for high loadings and to force your organism to work with the doubled efficiency, treatment in a gipobarichesky pressure chamber — is your choice! Not without reason this method call "A secret of the Caucasian longevity"! "

— How much is to breathe curative air of Elbrus? — I ask in registry.

— One session — 2800 rubles — smile the nurse. to

— And how many it is necessary for p of sessions? — For achievement of effect — it is from eight to ten better than p for


I Estimate p — from 22 to 28 thousand. Hm … Generally for this money it is possible to breathe present also "air of Elbrus", meetings there to have a rest.

— Something is expensive. Especially if to consider that I am healthy!

— Believe, healthy people do not happen. Happen not dodiagnostirovanny — the nurse smiles again.

the Doctor Yezhova Olga warns:

— Pressures chamber and oxygen pillows which too actively offer, are intended only for sick people. For example, asthmatics or those who had heart attack — are explained by the expert. — Condition of these patients such is that, inhaling air, they cannot provide organism fabric with air sufficiently. Therefore additional oxygen is necessary for them. It is not necessary to healthy people.

you Breathe and you look younger?

"oxygen therapy" and in cosmetology Found for strong the application. In beauty shops it use as "rejuvenating procedure". It appears, our skin and hair too suffer from oxygen malnutrition. "To feed" them and to bring round, special oxygen concentrators are used. The visitor sits down in a convenient chair and simply breathes vivifying 30 percent O2.

— After 10 sessions at our many clients smooth small wrinkles and pigmentary spots are eliminated. And on a face there is a fresh flush, and hair beautiful become — as from the commercial — assured me of beauty shop that around Patriarchal ponds.

By the way, the session price — 799 rubles.

the Doctor — the cosmetologist-dermatologist, the member of Society of esthetic medicine Dyatlova Nadezhda argues:

— to Breathe oxygen moreover in gas-polluted Moscow — it is healthy. On the other hand, no communication between inhalation of oxygen and a condition of integuments is present — the expert explained. — Well as can from inhalation of any gas (and oxygen — is gas) to be smoothed wrinkles and to disappear pigmentary spots? One does not depend on another in any way. Such sessions — simply a way of a vymanivaniye of money. And still, probably, the effect of placebo is created. The woman breathed, and it seems to her that she became better to look.


"Environmentally friendly area"

Most expensively oxygen are sold by builders and realtors. Typical example — advertizing of housing estates. Here, for example, ZhK "O2XYGEN" — is oxygen, an embodiment of idea of new quality of life in healthy and habitat, aspirations to breathe the clean air rich with oxygen.

— Fresh air in Moscow is on sale, and, I assure you, for very good money — the vice-president of the Russian guild of realtors Poltorak Grigory tells. — First, the wind rose is considered. Therefore, for example, the northwest, the West and the southwest where more often winds bring clean air, are more expensive, than, say, of the East and the southeast. Secondly, apartments in any area near park are always more expensive than if the park is not present.

Ryabko Violetta, the media coordinator of the toxic Greenpeace Russian Federation, considers that "environmental friendliness" of areas advertized by realtors is a little exaggerated.

— In the megalopolis is not present and there cannot be corners with ideally clean air. Idea "new quality of life in healthy and habitat" — only a marketing mix.

The matter is that air has property to mix up. And even if windows leave in park, it does not mean that you "live as in the wood". Emissions of combined heat and power plant and plants to you too, believe, brings.

Krivozertsev Nicholas, the director of business development of the Ekostandart company, specifies:

— Moscow in respect of ecology reminds p a chessboard. Here on this patch air more or less pure, and already through 300 meters — is a little polluted — the expert explained. — Business not so much in a wind rose, how many in an arrangement of the house and a floor.

If, for example, you live in the "environmentally friendly" southwest, but the house — directly on Profsoyuznaya Street, windows — on the road and a floor — the first, you will precisely breathe exhausts! And even somewhere in the east, if from the road — it is far, a floor — the tenth, air will be for certain much purer.

the Atmosphere from a can

One more counter of sellers of air — direct trade in the atmosphere. So, for example, on the Internet cans with air Paris, Moscow, Perm, Kazan and Sochi are actively offered. And if the Parisian air costs 10 dollars, Petersburg — 400 rubles. Bank with "clean air of the Moscow jams" is on sale in online store of tricks for 155 rubles. Even it is a little offensive: almost three times cheaper than St. Petersburg! It is possible to buy and Sanfrantsisko's fog (6 dollars), and mountain air Iceland (5 dollars), and even air from a concert Biber Justin (2 dollars).

— Sell, certainly, not air, and emotion which is connected with it — the marketing specialist, the principal of Arno Business School Arnaud Andrey is sure. — And the emotion is stronger, the it is possible to sell goods more expensively.

according to the expert, similar purchases are certainly absolutely irrational. The matter is that in the modern world of material benefits there is a lot of, in them it is easy to get confused. Therefore something unique that will associate with any important event, reminiscence or a geographical place — very interesting direction which is developed the last years ten and received the name "emotional marketing".


, I consider, it is possible to carry and to other ways of trade in air. When to us for 200 rubles offer oxygen cocktail, we, of course, buy not oxygen, and mythical "healthy lifestyle". And how it in Moscow with its jams, stresses, noise can be healthy? ! Lying in a pressure chamber and breathing allegedly air of Elbrus, we get "rescue from all diseases". Inhaling oxygen in beauty shop, allegedly we return youth. And choosing the apartment in "the environmentally friendly area", we gain almost immortality.

Certainly, in all cases we buy myths, phantoms. Whether it is possible, having opened a can, to feel the atmosphere of St. Petersburg? Or even concert Biber Justin? Certainly, no. But it is possible to allow to someone to earn. Here we also give. And then we are indignant: inflated...


Kulbachevsky Anton to Moscow the middle of the 1990th years, the condition of atmospheric air in the capital improved percent on 25. I can tell that on this indicator of air we do not concede to Paris, to London and to New York — to the leading world capitals. That air in Moscow became purer, and in it it is more than oxygen, we carry out the stock "Million Trees". For three seasons it was succeeded to plant trees and shrubs in about 9 thousand yards. This year green plantings will appear in 1,7 thousand yards — these are about 4,8 thousand trees and 156 thousand bushes. Muscovites give preference to such trees, as a birch, a linden, a chestnut, a maple and a mountain ash.

Lokoshchenko Mikhail, leading researcher of chair of meteorology and of climatology of geographical faculty of Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University:

— At the height up to 100 kilometers amount of oxygen as a part of air identical — 21 percent. The desert, the city, the wood — it is not important. Everywhere 21 percent. At a full calm can be less. Why citizens do not have oxygen? Mainly because we carry out the most part of time in close rooms where there are a lot of people: apartments, offices, public transport, shops. And all people, certainly, breathe therefore in rooms by definition it is less than oxygen. Second important point: in Moscow some million cars, are a lot of combined heat and power plant and the industrial enterprises. All of them do emissions therefore in air contain a carbon oxide, ammonia, methane … The content of these substances in the city atmosphere less than one percent, but as many of them have a smell, is created feeling that "to breathe there is nothing".

simply to Fight against a lack of oxygen. If you indoors — air it simply more often. As for the city as a whole, it is necessary to land as much as possible greens. First, trees and bushes develop oxygen. Secondly, assume polluting substances, including weighed, doing air is purer.


Carbon dioxide allows to control emotions and even to prolong life

to be healthy, to the inhabitant of the megalopolis is necessary not only oxygen, but also carbon dioxide.

— Both the lack of oxygen, and a lack of carbon dioxide of blood can cause rather serious consequences — the candidate of medical sciences, the teacher of the Moscow medical academy of a name of I. M. Sechenov Maevsky Eugenie tells "Evening Moscow". — After all the content of carbon dioxide in blood regulates excitability of nervous system, influences activity of fermental, hormonal and digestive processes. Also carbon dioxide of blood participates in such important processes, as protein synthesis, restoration of the damaged fabrics. .

Requirement of organisms — including human — in carbon dioxide arose more many millions years ago when the share of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere made 90 percent of its volume. Arising photosynthesis consisted in absorption of carbon dioxide by cages of plants, emission in the atmosphere of oxygen and carbon stocks. Gradually the atmosphere was enriched with oxygen that as scientists consider, and served one of bases for emergence of animal life. However metabolism laws in the cage needing for life carbon dioxide, remained. No wonder that now at air there are only three percent of carbon dioxide, and its blood contains more than seven percent. by

— It is proved that moderate oxygen starvation causes noticeable improving effect. More than that is is an effective method of braking of processes of aging of an organism — Maevsky Eugenie considers.

As oxygen starvation to reach p? The known Moscow doctor-clinical physician Buteyko Konstantin half a century more made a hypothesis back that the effect of rejuvenation can achieve, making daily certain respiratory exercises within 10–15 minutes. The method of superficial breath on Buteyko Konstantin allows to achieve accumulation in blood of carbon dioxide. Disputes by efficiency of this method are conducted still.

— Need to breathe as it is possible more slowly both on a breath, and on an exhalation — the therapist, the doctor of higher category Alekseeva Larissa advises. — The pause on an exhalation allows to save up carbon dioxide and thus to lower a blood pressure. Such practice is very useful to the patients suffering from violations of a warm rhythm.

breath Training as Alekseeva Larissa explained, increases the volume of lungs, so, significantly improves quality of breath. Besides, it is an excellent way of control over the emotions. Here so: not oxygen uniform. But, is given, quirky marketing specialists will learn to sell soon to us not only oxygen, but also carbon dioxide.


Oxygen starvation — the state arising at insufficient supply of fabrics of an organism by oxygen or violation of its absorption by fabrics. However such starvation can arise only at sick people who were not given in time medical help.


Sometimes at the end of the unlucky working day us yawning starts overcoming p. It is a signal of oxygen starvation of a brain. It testifies to exhaustion and deterioration of work of heart and vessels. Therefore, it appears, it is useful to yawn! The deep breath arising at a zevaniye, sates blood with oxygen and increases blood-groove speed in vessels. From an organism are removed carbon dioxide, blood supply of cells of a brain improves.

Justin Dryu Biber
Last position: Singer, actor
Anton Kulbachevsky
Last position: Head (Department of natural resources and environmental protection of the city of Moscow)
Larissa Alekseev
Last position: Chairman (Interregional public organization-PPO of workers State budgetary health care institution "Mnpts DK DZM" PSRZ of the Moscow city)
Zakharov Dimitri
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Main activity:Science and education