In Murmansk the train with Paralympians met songs and a loaf. PHOTO

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In Murmansk "The train of the Olympic victory" met songs, dances and a loaf. The structure with veterans-Paralympians arrived to the Polar region capital this morning.

Among passengers of the train - the double bronze prize-winner of the winter Paralympic Games on cross-country skiing, the champion Europe on cycling Grigoryeva Valentine; the Paralympic champion Europe 1989 in relay on cross-country skiing to Norway, the champion Europe on a bicycle track Olinichenko Tamara; champion and silver prize-winner of the winter Paralympic Games, repeated world champion Polyakova Irina; repeated champion and prize-winner of the winter Paralympic Games Kupchinsky Valery.

the Program of actions within the project includes meetings of participants with local trainer's structure, the athletes, studying establishments for children and young people, fans. Main objective of the stock "Train of the Olympic Victory" – support of Paralympic movement and healthy lifestyle promotion.

we Will remind

, for Paralympians the car of the train "Grand express" which is included in train No. 22 structure by the message Saint Petersburg – Murmansk is specially provided.

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