Opponents Washington D.C. supported Dilma Vana Rusef

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Author: Dmitry Kiselyov

the Brazilian senate — the upper house of parliament — votes for impeachment to the president Dilma Vana Rusef . Charges of financial violations were the cause for impeachment during the second presidential term, and now Dilma Vana Rusef Rouseff is already officially detached from the power. Duties of the head of state to presidential election of 1918 will be fulfilled by the vice-president Michel Temer.

Right after the impeachment announcement supporters Dilma Vana Rusef took to the streets. The most fierce collisions protesting happened to police in the largest Brazilian São Paulo. Tear gas was necessary to apply polices.

Dilma Vana Rusef Roussef regarded the resignation as parliamentary revolution. She was supported by leaders of other countries . Venezuela, Ecuador, and afterwards and Bolivia withdrew from Brazil ambassadors.

it is interesting to i by p that the valedictory to the supporters Rouseff finished in the lines from Mayakovsky's short poem "Well that! ", written on the occasion of coming "Weeks of defense in the USSR". Then, in the late twenties, in connection with attack threat proletarian writers and poets the feather participated in strengthening of defense of the Soviet country. Rouseff read final lines, but the beginning of a refined rayeshnik from Mayakovsky is as follows:" I opened with silent rustle of an eye of pages, and pulled gunpowder from all borders. Not again, which for twenty grow in a thunder-storm".

Author: Bogdanov Valentine

Among voting in the Brazilian Senate was not refrained. On streets of the Brazilian cities there are no indifferent. Impeachment to Dilma Vana Rusef split the country into two camps, and their sizes are inversely proportional to senatorial result. zrimo it is more than supporters of the overthrown president.


"To us need participation of people in protests to show to these conspirators that we protect the choice. We cannot allow to steal voices of 54 million people" — supporters Dilma Vana Rusef told.

While on streets of Rio tires, and to State of Sao Paulo homeless workers smoked, having clashed with police, blocked highways of the largest megalopolis Brazil, in its capital according to the lightning scenario swore in the new president. Kept within four minutes together with anthem listening. "We are not putshists" as if according to Freud the ex-vice-president Michel Temer finished himself and supporters now.

the Former podpolshchitsa Dilma Vana Rusef, having lost the last fight, appeared before supporters with words of the revolutionary poet. "I want to finish the speech a fragment from the finest work of the Russian poet Mayakovsky:" We have nothing to rejoice, but there is nothing to long. Burna history water. Threats and war we vzrezhy on a scope as cuts Kiel a wave" — declared Dilma Vana Rusef.

Water of history not only roughly, to Brazil it also the very muddy. The way to present, final, to overthrow Dilma Vana Rusef was laid by the lower house of the Brazilian parliament. Direct to that the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper has proofs. In touch were the present minister of planning of the budget Romera Zhuk and the former head of the Transpetro company Serzhiu Machado. Talked for some weeks before the lower house of parliament voted for impeachment Dilma Vana Rusef.

to turn conceived, conspirators get serious support.

"I talked to generals, military commanders. Everything is quiet, they say that all will provide. They watch Movement of rural landless workers that there were no excitements" — told Romera Zhuk, the minister of planning, the budget and management Brazil.

All these people — the right politicians who are perfectly finding a common language from United States of America. Long ago found it and the present president Michel Temer. In the 2006th acted as the State Department consultant during campaign which brought a victory left to Da Silva. Since then because of faultless manners and suits the nickname Butler was assigned to Michel Temer.

"There is a direct link between conservative forces Brazil and and interests of United States of America who saw break of the left governments as threat of the hegemony in the region" — Luís Filipe Miguel, the doctor of political sciences the doctor, professor of university Brasília noted.

In personal mail Dilma Vana Rusef ANB dug. The stage setting which has flown the world. The summit" G20" in Saint Petersburg on the eve of which tricks of the American investigation became public property. Sitting with Obama on the next chairs, in his party Dilma Vana Rusef never will turn. Now came on the other hand.

A here those who in with Washington D.C. argue, supported Dilma Vana Rusef. The ambassadors withdrew Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela, after all compulsory change of the power to Brazil — it also inevitable change of alignment of forces on all continent which many into United States of America again would like to turn into the backyard.

Text: "Messages of week"