Babkhoev Magomed took part in meeting of Government Republic of Ingushetia
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Preparation for autumn winter heating season of 2016 - 2017 became one of the main questions of expanded planned meeting under the direction of Chapter Republic of Ingushetia Yunus-bek Yevkurov. It was a question of the current questions connected with a course of preparation of objects of the social sphere and a housing-and-municipal complex to the forthcoming heating season, and also conditions of thermal networks and boiler rooms, the press service of Head and Government Republic of Ingushetia reports.

the Minister of construction, architecture and housing and communal services of the republic Buruzhev Mustafa reported that preparation is carried out in a planned mode. The special republican staff with inclusion of all responsible officials and representatives of the resursosnabzhayushchy organizations is for this purpose educated, and also the plan of measures on preparation for autumn winter period is approved. Besides, the heatsupplying enterprises are completed with emergency equipment, existence of a quick and repair material is provided.

Yunus-bek Yevkurov emphasized that one of the main indicators of readiness of municipalities by autumn winter period is obtaining the passport of readiness for the next heating season, Rostekhnadzor given out by republican Management. Chapter Republic of Ingushetia reminded of a personal responsibility of heads of municipalities of the republic for preparation for winter.

Further the chairman Committee Republic of Ingushetia on tourism Khamkhoev Beslan informed p on holding the first championship on fishery in Republic of Ingushetia. He reported that action will take place on August 30 flowing on about one years from the largest ponds of the republic in Karabulak where there are all kinds of pond fishes, including a perch, a crucian, a silver carp, som, white cupid, a carp and a sazan. It is in the long term planned that the championship becomes district and then an annual stage of the All-Russian championship on fishery.

"Committee on tourism together with City administration carry out a preparatory work, including bait of fish is made, the coastal and adjacent territory is arranged well. At the moment intention to participate in the championship declared more than 100 people from various regions of the country, order taking will last until the end of a month. Participants of action are waited by gifts and diplomas from Rosrybolovstvo and RI Committee on tourism", - Khamkhoev Beslan reported. Chapter Republic of Ingushetia noted need of holding the republic's first championship on fishery at high organizational level that will allow it to become a new round in promoting of fishing tourism in the republic.

Participants of a meeting considered also questions on elimination of the shortcomings allowed at construction of the second residential district in Malgobek (110 hectares), 18-storeyed houses and the town for displaced persons from Chechen Republic. Responsible officials informed the head of the region on a course of work on elimination of the revealed shortcomings. Yunus-bek Yevkurov focused attention on terms and quality of installation and construction works on these objects. He also noted that the question of construction and operation of apartment houses has to be on continuous control of heads of municipalities as they are in their territories. Besides, according to the head of the region, local authorities need to hold consulting meetings with residents of apartment houses with the offer on creation of association of residents of MCD. The head considers that the similar association will allow effectively joint efforts to resolve the current issues connected with maintenance and repair of houses.

during meeting considered the questions concerning control of execution of instructions of Chapter Republic of Ingushetia, the plan of work for the forthcoming week and the plan of work for September is approved.

Beslan Gabovich Khamkhoev
Last position: Chairman (Committee of the Republic of Ingushetia for tourism)
Yunus-bek Yevkurov
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation)
Babkhoev Magomed
Buruzhev Moustafa