Belorechensk district interregional prosecutor's office Krasnodar territory prevented an inefficient expenditure of means of the municipal budget
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The Belorechensky interdistrict prosecutor's office during monitoring of the official site of purchases elicited the fact of placement by municipal state authority " of AHCh of a Municipality Administration Belorechensk district " notices on carrying out electronic auction on supply of fuels and lubricants for needs of Municipality administration Belorechensk district for the sum more than 430 thousand rubles.

By verification of auction documentation it is established that the local government planned acquisition of fuels and lubricants at the price which more than for 2-3 rubles exceeds an average value of the price for liter of the above types of fuel.

Besides, other violations of requirements are revealed.

The revealed violations of the law formed the basis for the announcement to the head of state establishment of caution, as a result auction is cancelled.

Work in this direction will be continued.

федерального закона от 05.04.2013 № 44-ФЗ " О контрактной системе в сфере закупок товаров, работ, услуг для обеспечения государственных и муниципальных нужд "