Who such Kemal Kylychdaroglu?

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In Turkey fired at an automobile train of the leader of Republican Party Kemal Kylychdaroglu.

In Turkey fired at an automobile train of the leader of Republican Party Kemal Kylychdaroglu.

On Thursday, August 25, near the Turkish city of Ardanuch unknown opened fire on a motorcade in which the leader of the main Turkish oppositional National Republican Party Kemal Kylychdaroglu went. Between forwards and security guards there was a firefight. Kylychdaroglu as a result of attempt did not suffer.


Kemal Kylychdaroglu was born on December 17, 1948, in Nazymiye's village, Tundzheli's Province of Tunceli, Turkey.

In 1971 graduated from Ankarsky academy of economy and commerce, subsequently year trained to France.

In 1983 was given assignment in General management according to the income where worked at positions from the head of department to the deputy director general.

In 1991 it was appointed the director general of Fund of social protection of handicraftsmen and small businessmen.

In 1992 turned into General management of SSK (SOCIAL INSURANCE FUND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Turkey), subsequently worked as the assistant to the deputy minister of work and social protection of Turkey.

In 1994 the Ekonomik Trend magazine chose him as "The government official of year".

In January, 1999 retired at own will from a position of the Director general of SSK.

Directed the Specialized commission on fight against shadow economy, taught at University of Hadzhettepe, fulfilled duties of the member of Management board of bank "Turkiye Is Bankas? ".

On November 3, 2002 it was elected the deputy of Republican people's party from Istanbul, on July 22, 2007 it was re-elected and directed party group in parliament.

In 2009 ran for the mayor Istanbul from Republican people's party, collected 36,8% of votes.

At the 33rd congress passing on May 22, 2010 after Deniz Baykal's resignation it is elected the Chairman of Republican people's party. 1246 delegates voted for Kylychdaroglu's candidate from 1250.


Marital status

It is married, has three children — Asla's daughters and Zeynep and the son Kerem.

Kemal Kylychdaroglu
Last position: Leader (CJSC "RAMAKS SERVICES")
Political ideology:Republicanism, social democracy, Kemalism, secularism, civil nationalism