Big roll. Sellers of the Russian carbon

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Who to whom and how many pays within the Russian-German climatic initiative? Coal, coal power, coal economy — the first victims of Coal, coal power, coal economy — the first victims of "climate sale" carbon Absorbers ", in which representatives of NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI";HIGH SCHOOL ECONOMY; NIU VSHE; VSHE appeared a>

on August 1, 2016 the Internet, The international World fund of Nature (World fund of Nature) and Greenpeace once again misinform readers concerning a role of the Russian woods in absorption of carbon dioxide by Earth biosphere. Thus authors are confused and give the quantitative estimates contradicting their conclusions. As we repeatedly wrote p with

, exactly round a question of size of absorbing ability, is more exact — balances of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases of the certain countries, the long-term intrigue of the Kyoto Protocol which entered now a new stage of the development after signing in New York the Parisian climatic agreement develops.

could not pay attention if it was not published on a portal of Information company "ITAR-TASS" the Far East, one of the largest and authoritative news agencies which declares on the to the main page To this publication:

of "Today the volume of information made in the world, grows in a geometrical progression, and especially sharply there is a question of its reliability. For this reason at the center the team of Information company "ITAR-TASS" puts the accuracy of information which is received by ours podpischikè…

Information of Information company "ITAR-TASS" the Government, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Security council, administrations and the governments of subjects Russian Federation, the federal and regional ministries and departments" is transferred to Presidential Administration.

we Will try to carry out the analysis of accuracy of information containing in the article "Carbon Absorbers" which is transferred to authorities Russian Federation.

to one of the former heads of Rosleskhoz asked Tens years ago a question: "What such wood? ", on what he answered: "It all the same that cucumbers, in time did not reap the harvest — will decay".

the Territory of the overripe wood on a root any more does not absorb FROM 2 and can be its source, for example, in case of forest fire. And therefore the ripe wood should be cut, and differently sgniyot or will burn down, especially in tropical countries. Unlike tropics our woods in the conditions of winter cold temperatures are 2 SO preservatives .


It in the article "Carbon Absorbers" are confirmed also by the head of department of protection, protection of the wood and forest ecology of Far East research institute of forestry (DALNIILKH) Orlov Alexander:

of "The Far East woods are in northern latitudes and therefore are called boreal. It is feature very valuable to climate: the boreal woods connect almost twice more carbon, than tropical. In hot climate the organic chemistry quickly decays, and carbon does not manage to collect in the soil, coming back in the atmosphere. And in cold northern latitudes decomposition happens slowly".

This fact alarmist of the Kyoto and Parisian agreement began to recognize span by em, but with figures at them constant confusion, and much.

Much in this process are played also with that the majority of works on an assessment of absorbing ability are executed on money of foreign grants or the organizations which are foreign NPOs, which carry out intended misinformation of that the reserved wood absorbs more, than the wood with cabins of rational use. Actually removal (cabin) of the ripened crop of wood and the leaving cabin within a settlement cutting area, almost increase absorbing ability of the forest territory twice.

For spravki:

" the Settlement cutting area determines by p the admissible annual volume of withdrawal of wood in the operational and protective woods, providing multi-purpose, rational, continuous, inexhaustible use of the woods, proceeding from the established age of cabins, preservation of the biological diversity, the water preserving, protective and other useful properties of the woods".

as a result of misinformation "green" in Moscow region more than ten years were not conducted by span of the leaving cabin in forest territories. As a result part of the wood it was "occupied" by the bark beetle, and now quickly these woods are cut down, of course, with landing of the new.

It is readable further:

of "There is one more feature of the nature of the Far East — there are low-broken forest territories, on them cabins were not conducted, ways, power lines and pipelines were not paved. Therefore comparison of the Far East woods with European will be in advantage pervyõ…

Moscow surround the unstable woods created artificially. They quickly are exposed to negative influence of environment, grow old and accumulate carbon less. And in the south of the Far East — the mixed woods: grow one thousand years, renew and do not demand leaving cabins" — the coordinator of forest projects of the Amur branch of World fund of Nature tells Russian Federation Lepeshkin Eugenie. Such wild woods can absorb for eyelids carbon dioxide from the atmosphere".

could agree with the last proposal of the representative of World fund of Nature, if not one, but — and in what quantity?

In article provide data that territories of the Far East wood make 289,4 million hectares and they absorb about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide.

of "According to estimates of the Intergovernmental group of experts on climate change, the boreal woods annually absorb about 1 billion tons FROM 2 . it is the share of Russian Federation Safonov Georgy. It turns out that the Far East woods in a year absorb about 180−200 million tons FROM 2

Analogichnyye figures on Russian Federation as a whole repeatedly the minister of MPR S. Donskoy , underestimating the volume of an absorbing resource of the Russian woods more than in 10raz.

From discussed article:

of "In 100 years one tree connects about 200 kg of carbon, absorbing from the atmosphere 740 kg FROM 2 , the head of forest department "Greenpeace" Alexey Yaroshenko" explains.

Proceeding from Greenpeace the data, one tree in a year absorbs 7,4 kg FROM 2 .

In the forest territory on one hectare can fall from 400 to 2000 trees depending on age. In the dense wood 600−900 trees are the share a href of one hectare <= "" target =" _ blank"> .

we Will take p at least 600 trees on hectare and it turns out that one hectare of the wood absorbs 4,44 tons FROM 2 in a year, only at the expense of increase in stocks of wood, without other phytoweight (branches of trees and bushes, escapes, needles, leaves, flowers, roots).

as the reference:

the Author of the present article in 2008 within development of the investment project "Complex maintaining waste-free forest and agriculture with production of renewables" was conducted by strong research in the forest territory in one of areas Smolensk region. Results of this research were presented within presentation of this investment project at the International forest forum in the fall of 2008, passing in Saint Petersburg. The absorbing resource of the forest territory according to this investment project made of 5,1 tons FROM 2 in a year on one hectare. At the organization of cabins of rational forest exploitation the absorbing resource of the wood lot increased by 4,0 t FROM 2 in a year and reached in the sum 9,1 tons FROM 2 in a year on one hectare. Results were received by strong on the basis of the official standard project of forest management of this wood lot.

the Received results coincide and with results of the researches conducted by Boldyrev Vitaly, published at the beginning of 2000. ( see. "Ecological aspects of power providing a sustainable development Russian Federation as elements of its geopolitics and national security". Federal magazine. National security and geopolitics Russian Federation. No. 1 (18−2001 g), P. 76−79 ). According to Boldyreva Vitaliya, absorbing ability of territories of the Russian woods makes of 11,2 billion tons FROM 2 in a year . If to divide the size of this resource into the square of the Russian woods of 1229 million hectares, one hectare of the Russian forest territory on the average absorbs 9,1 tons FROM 2 in a year (the area of forest fund Russian Federation makes 1229 million hectares. )

In northern territories these figures will decrease, and in the southern areas to increase. But on the average the figure of 4,44 tons FROM 2 in a year on one hectare, Yaroshenko Aleksey, is rather close to results of various researches.

Thus, Far East territories of the wood, proceeding from data of the representative Greenpeace, absorb carbon dioxide of 1285,0 million tons FROM 2 in a year (289,4×4,44).

Even if we will take p still smaller quantity of trees on hectare — 400, all the same annual absorption turns out by more than 4 times vyshea, than "experts" of NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI";HIGH SCHOOL ECONOMY; NIU VSHE; VSHE — 856 million tons FROM 2 in a year.

A that turns out as a whole on forest territories Russian Federation?

Absorption of carbon dioxide by forest fund Russian Federation, proceeding from data Greenpeace, makes 5456,0 million tons FROM 2 in a year (1229×4.4). That is even rough calculation allows to draw a conclusion that volumes of absorption of carbon dioxide territories of the Russian wood much exceed data, than the representative of NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI";HIGH SCHOOL ECONOMY; NIU VSHE; VSHE and which were sounded repeatedly by the Minister of MPR S. Donskoy declares. If experts of NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI";HIGH SCHOOL ECONOMY; NIU VSHE; VSHE thus treat heads of our economy, and Information company "ITAR-TASS" authorities that to be surprised that in it today occurs.

But we will return to discussed article. Further Yaroshenko Aleksey starts frightening already:

of "Now worldwide starts burning (woods) more and more — it is a tendency. And if to count all, the northern woods can appear a powerful source of emissions of carbon dioxide".

First how the woods can appear a powerful source of emissions? That collected as a result of absorption, burned down. If to consider a situation in scales of century, fires in the forest territory give at most zero balance of absorption and emissions , and at all emissions. Or to this balance it is necessary to add "earth burning under feet" climatic alarmist?

Secondly, the fire and cutting down slightly reduces total amounts of absorption by wood territories FROM 2 this territory, and for a number of years these volumes are quickly restored. And during growth of the young wood these volumes will exceed absorption volumes existing to a fire or cutting down.

Further next passage Yaroshenko Aleksey:

of "Chinese adopted at us forest conservation system, and we lost it with adoption of the new Forest code when powers on work with the woods delegated to regions".

How the system of forest conservation depends on federal or regional level of management it is hard to say, but on financing of this work depends precisely, but about it later.

In article Yaroshenko Aleksey refers to the Greenpeace card Greenpeace, showing frequency of change of forest stands where the green noted territories where the woods manage to stay 200 and more years, and red where trees live less than 60 years. Also connects similar gradation of the territory of the wood with forest fires. But logically other conclusion arises that territories with the 60th summer cycle of change of forest stands absorb carbon dioxide, than territories with the 200th summer cycle much more intensively. But in both cases is expedient to cut down the ripe wood for economic needs, instead of to allow it burning out as a result of ripeness. Further Yaroshenko Aleksey writes strong to p with


of "According to preliminary estimates "Greenpeace", the damage to climate from fires in the northern woods can be comparable on scales with the damage caused by an obezlesivaniye in the tropical countries".

In general it is difficult for span to call em the expert of the person who confuses the concept "obezlesivaniye" to forest fire. As it was already spoken earlier, forest fire destroys the wood in the forest territory, but not the forest territory. And in some years this territory where there was a fire, grows with young trees. And "obezlesivaniye" process, including in the tropical countries, it no other than deforestation for use of the forest territory in other economic purposes, for example, for agricultural production, industrial and , a construction of roads and t.d. That is, as a result "obezlesivaniya" the former territory of the wood stops being forest and, naturally, an absorber of carbon dioxide.

Further Yaroshenko Aleksey complains about poor financing of fire-prevention works in the woods:

of "Money by the residual principle allocates with p the regional governments. They are helped by the federal authorities: last year in subjects it was directed about 23,5 billion rubles of subventions on forest conservation, their protection and reproduction, but Siberia and the Far East received only 30% though exactly there burned most of all".

Certainly fire-fighting this general business, but unless financing has to be carried out by the principle, the more will burn down, the it is more amount of financing? In this case, Yaroshenko Aleksey an example:

of "And here Amur region — is our most "false" region. Data on fires here were underestimated by time in 100 raç»,

vyglyadit illogically. Why Amur region to hide fires if the amounts of financing depend on it from the federal budget?

as a whole from stated in article inconsistent, fallacies and messages, and also a number of substitution of concepts there is a question — to whom all this muddy information mash of representatives Greenpeace, World fund of Nature and NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI";HIGH SCHOOL ECONOMY; NIU VSHE; VSHE round forest territories is necessary?

I the final section of article under the name "How to Earn on Rescue of Trees" opens to us true motives of representatives Greenpeace, World fund of Nature and NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI";HIGH SCHOOL ECONOMY; NIU VSHE; VSHE. Authors of article write:

of "Within fight for reduction of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere declared by the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, provided mechanisms of international trade by the units of reduction of emissions (URE). Authors of projects count, how many emissions FROM 2 were succeeded to prevent sub, and then transfer figure to ESV. Auditors check calculations, and units are exposed on the Internet market within the international voluntary mechanism of decrease in emissions. They are bought by the foreign companies, wishing to show the responsibility for climate on planete.

For the first time in the world the project on protection of the cedar and broad-leaved woods could earn on ESV in 2013, and this project in the Far East was realized, authors — employees of World fund of Nature Russian Federation" tell it.

First, within the Kyoto Protocol (KP) of reduction of emissions it is impossible to transfer to ESV without national law. ESV, according to articles 3,10−3,11 KP — is part of the established number of emissions for the country as a whole. Therefore to transfer result of reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases to ESV it is possible only according to the law of the country establishing an order of use of established quantity in the territory of the country and an order of its transfer to other countries. Such law to Russian Federation is not present, and therefore transactions on sale of the Russian ESV are insignificant, including the transaction on the project of protection of the cedar and broad-leaved woods in the Far East. So existence of similar opportunity at subjects of economic activity Russian Federation is absent. And it is necessary to thank for a similar situation officials the MAYOR and the former minister of MPR and now the representative President of the Russian Federation in Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev.

From discussed article:

of "The first in the project the community of small indigenous people "Tiger" who rented for 49 years of 461 thousand hectares of the wood in a river basin Bikin took part … It was counted that the woods in the territory of the project hold 113,8 million tons FROM 2 and annually absorb 183 thousand more tons FROM 2 ".

If to count on figures earlier stated by authors of article, absorbing ability of the leased wood near the river Bikin makes 2,046 million tons FROM 2 in a year (461×4,4). Even if on hectare of the leased wood not 600 trees, and 400, all the same the volume of absorption will make 1,363 million tons FROM 2 in a year. Thus,

of d anny the absorbing resource, given according to the project, is more than 10 times lower than the actual absorbing resource of the woods in the project territory.

the Analysis of documentation on the project No. RU2000050, published on the website "Russian Register of Carbon Units" shows that foreign authors of the project an absorbing resource of the leased forest territory did not consider that repeatedly and stated in the design document. And what they then considered as absorbing result of the project? And the answer to this question opens all cherished secrets used by authors of the project of methodology of IPCC about what it was not once written in various publications .

the Absorbing resource of the project is counted by p as if the prepared wood according to volumes of a settlement cutting area burned down, as on a fire. That is carbon in the prepared wood as a result of leaving cabins within settlement lesosekiv the project is considered as emissions. There are no cabins, there are also no emissions of greenhouse gases, and a wood gain on the rented wood lot as though does not exist about what authors of the project and wrote:

of "Based on that was not found a reliable source of data for a quantitative assessment of "the possible growth", the offered project conservatively neglects it at emissions/absorption calculation".

of Lord, and how the plan of forest management of this territory by which volumes of subgrowth and a settlement cutting area are determined? It too was not? And on the basis of what the rent paid for using the forest territory?

Further in article:

of "In three years of rent the community "Tiger" could prevent emission of 519 thousand tons of carbon dioxide. The received 519 thousand units were sold in 2013 for 17 million rubles" (roughly to 0,4 million euros).

Proceeding from these figures can note em that the price of the transaction made less than one euro for one ton FROM 2 .

But since 2013 in the countries of EU the decision of the European Commission established a value of the rights on emissions of greenhouse gases of €30 for ton of emissions FROM 2 . The similar value of the rights to Sweden since 2001 makes about $100, to Switzerland — about 80 Swiss francs for ton, and a penalty in system of trade in emissions in the countries of EU for excess of emissions make €100 for ton.

Thus, the cost of the sold result of the project near the river Bikin for the countries of EU made not lower than €15,570 million (519 ×30). And if to consider the actual absorbing ability of the wood at cost in the countries of EU, the cost of an absorbing resource of the project will make 184,14 million euros (2,046x3x30)! ! !

From discussed article:


of "Seaside units were bought by the British company CF Partners".

First, the Russian-German memorandum do not provide sale of results of the project near the river Bikin to the third party.

But even if to assume that the CF Partners company sold to p the acquired result of the project for a half of its cost in the countries of EU (50×50), the profit of the company will make 1846% (15,570: 2 — 0,4): 0,4×100).

After similar result becomes clear that lobby NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI";HIGH SCHOOL ECONOMY; NIU VSHE; VSHE, Greenpeace and World fund of Nature.

were Known about similar profitability of the project by the heads of states authorizing signing of the Memorandum of understanding concerning assistance to implementation of the "Protection of the Effective Woods of the River Bikin for Reduction of Influence of Climate Changes (the Far East, Russian Federation)" project, the Kyoto Protocol carried out according to article 6? This Memorandum became one of documents , signed on July 19 in Hanover during negotiations President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the Federal chancellor Germany Angela Merkel. How to belong to vostorgampo to an occasion of this project, for example, in publications "Russian newspaper" against the given calculations of real cost of the given absorbing resource, let are judged by the reader.

But coming back by the beginning of this article, it is necessary to understand that it is necessary to protect the woods both from fires, and from wreckers including to receive a healthy crop of wood. Wood is the main crop of the wood which should be withdrawn both leaving cabins, and continuous cabins. Absorbing resource of the territory of the wood as planet lungs, from these cabins, within a settlement cutting area only increases.

That is if from wood territory periodically not to withdraw ripe wood and weed bushes, podrosty and the dead woods, sick trees, etc., they start increasing emissions of greenhouse gases as a result of rotting, in a consequence of that intensity of work of the wood as lungs of a planet decreases.

there is a question, why the Kyoto and Parisian alarmist "confuse the issue", misinform us about volumes of an absorbing resource of our woods and try to convince us what forest territories should be protected from cabins?

From discussed article:

of "In the wake of "Tiger" lumberers went. The Terneyles group of companies refused the cabin of 450 thousand hectares of the valuable woods Primorsky territory and prepares documents for ESV confirmation. Such projects can become an important step on decrease in emissions in the atmosphere as that is demanded from the countries by the agreement concluded after the Parisian forum on climate. Among other options — care of forest fund, protection it from fires, wreckers and vyruboê…

Such projects can become an important step on decrease in emissions in the atmosphere as that is demanded from the countries by the agreement concluded after the Parisian forum on climate".

In methodology of IPCC on which the Kyoto and Parisian alarmist rely, wood withdrawal from the territory of the wood are considered as emissions in volume of the carbon containing in withdrawn wood even if the house of years is built of this wood on two hundred, received cellulose or sent wood for export.

we Will consider the wood territory as the basin of carbon stocks (wood), and carbon streams in it from the atmosphere, as a certain flowing pipe, and withdrawal of carbon (wood) from the forest territory, as a following pipe. Then it becomes clear that annual withdrawal of carbon (wood) from the pool (the wood territory), for example, in volume of 0,01 areas of the territory of the wood (in the order of definition of a settlement cutting area), taking into account reduction of emissions from rotting processes, practically does not reduce volumes of streams of carbon from the atmosphere by the wood territory, and changes the volume of stocks of carbon in the forest territory. And if to consider, for example, a centenary cycle of use of the forest territory, annually withdrawal 0,01 stocks of wood, and annual subgrowth of wood in similar volume, the size of stocks of carbon in the territory of the wood remains invariable.

Ideologists of methodology of IPCC, apparently, were poor students at high school and did not solve a problem about pools with pipes of flowing and following water. It is represented what exactly for similar calculations in classics of double standards they got the Nobel Prize at the head the vice-president of United States of America Gor Albert.

Thus, the Kyoto and Parisian sellers of carbon of our woods deceive us:

1. By means of application of doubtful and defaming methodology of the accounting of volumes of absorption FROM 2 the woods on which much reduce scientific and reasonable volumes of absorption of carbon dioxide territories of our woods. As a result: the forest export countries incur charges of the woods, and the import countries of the wood receive wood, emissions from which use are set off to the export countries.

2. By means of statements that cabins of leaving and continuous cabins of the wood within a settlement cutting area are emissions FROM 2 the wood territory while these cabins increase volumes of absorption of carbon dioxide forest territories.

3. By means of lobbying of illegal sale of an absorbing resource of our woods to foreign intermediaries for 0,05−0,1% of cost of this resource in the countries of OECD, hiding the cost of realization of this resource foreign intermediaries. Thus, it turns out that similar projects a community "Tiger" and Terneyles group of companies Russian Federation in the form of loss of the income from illegal sale to intermediaries of an absorbing resource of leased forest territories cause a significant damage to economy.

all this

I occurs under a veil of noble intentions about protection of our woods on the example of the Memorandum between Ministry Ekonomicheskoe developments The Russian Federation and about mutual understanding concerning assistance of implementation of the "Protection of Virgin Forests of the River Bikin for Reduction of Influence of Climate Changes (the Far East, Russian Federation)" project which is carried out in compliance sostaty 6 Kyoto Protocols to the Framework convention of the United Nations about climate change from December 11, 1997. Signers of the memorandum (on July 19, 2011) are the Minister of Economic Development Russian Federation Elvira Nabiullina and the Minister of environment, conservation and safety of yadernykhreaktor Germany Norbert Rettgen (). the English publicist of the XIX century Dzhozef Thomas (1799−1873) wrote p to

with Danning:

of "The capital is afraid of lack of profit or too small profit as the nature is afraid of emptiness … … "at 100% (profit) it violates all human laws, at 300% (profit) there is no such crime on which he would not risk, at least on pain of the gallows. If noise and abuse make profit, the capital will begin to promote that and another". it is interesting to span by em, and what the English publicist would tell about processes and its participants at 1800% of profit?

thus need to pay attention that actually within the Kyoto Protocol sold production is not perceived: in one country signed the relevant documents, and profit on sale of the result recorded in these documents, "sawed" at the intermediary in other country.

Now to Russian Federation there is an active discussion on discussion of two ideas within the Parisian climatic agreement: the first — about creation of a carbon-free zone in Siberia — is offered by Yury Trutnev, the second — about introduction of the international carbon tax of $15 — Oleg Deripaska.

the Project near the river Bikin was realized during the stay of Yury Trutnev by the Minister of MPR. Probably that he is perfectly informed on financial flows of this project. Probably, what exactly fabulous profitability of the project along with absence of control of its financial streams for internal supervisory authorities, induced it to try to extend this project to all Eastern Siberia.

Discussion of other idea about introductions of a carbon tax and possible losses of economy and corporations Russian Federation actually other corner question — a question "covers the prices of carbon" which Russian Federation had to solve 20 years ago. This question also directly concerns the discussed project near the river Bikin.

For the reference:

"The price of carbon" — is the size of expenses for reduction of emissions or increase in their absorption, expressed in a money equivalent.

If into Russian Federation officially entered state "the price of carbon", for example, of € the 30th ton of the reduced or absorbed emissions (at the level of the minimum tax in the countries of EU), even a community "Tiger" and Far East forestry could not sell for €0,4 million an absorbing resource of the rented territory worth €180 million

the Situation with the Bikin project concerns p Russian Federation as a whole. Absorption of carbon dioxide by the woods Russian Federation, proceeding from the specific data presented by the representative "Greenpeace" in discussed article, makes 5456,0 million. tons FROM 2 in a year from which about 2000 million tons FROM 2 are the share sub of absorption of anthropogenous emissions most Russian Federation, and other 3500 million tonnso 2 — on absorption of anthropogenous emissions of other countries (without volumes of emissions by volcanoes and their absorption by oceans).

While Russian Federation floated in the Kyoto process (and today floats in Parisian) "as a log across Yenisei", discussing "carbon-free" ideas and minor questions and strashilki,

other countries annually use an absorbing resource of our forest territories of 3500 million tons FROM 2 by cost to the European measures not less than €105,0 billion a year (3500 000×30).

Can understand interests of the countries which in the course of the industrial development cut down the woods and used other natural resources and now various by hook or by crook use resources of other countries, inventing various defaming agreements of type Kyoto and Parisian. They do it to avoid responsibility for excess of emissions over opportunities of the territories, according to the Charter of United Nations and norms of international law. And to contain to Russian Federation forest thimbleriggers for the 100-th shares of percent from use of our absorbing resource for these countries sacred business, as one of conditions of their comfortable development.

But we, will long continue to swim?

Russian Academy of Sciences Academy in 2005 made the decision on scientific groundlessness of the Kyoto Protocol and guilt of greenhouse gases in climatic changes. Well, we need so to regulate volumes of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases or it is expedient to continue to breathe exhausts of growing number of cars and combined heat and power plant pipes?

Federal Agency for Forestry Affairs is anxious with illegal deforestation losses from which make about 10 billion rubles a year, and together with forest academicians conducts space monitoring of forest territories. And from space for some reason it is not visible to specialists of the Center of efficiency of the woods of the Russian Academy of Sciences as "poor students" of IPCC on a perversion of the accounting of an absorbing resource of our forest territories, use a resource of our economy worth 100 billion svyshe€ a year. The impression what exactly for it them and contain is made. And not only them.

Coal miners, metallurgists began to worry today possible introduction international "a carbon tax". And when together with PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY SBERBANK, MPR and the MAYOR "sawed" excess profits "free cheese in a mousetrap" according to the Kyoto projects , they what place thought?

A the lobbied Nabiulina Elvire and Alexander Dvorkovich a ban on production of incandescent lamps and introduction of the foreign mercury lamps, which utilization to Russian Federation it is not adjusted? And right there signing of the Minamatsky convention on mercury in which since 2020 the ban on mercury use is provided followed! On the one hand, it is lobbied power effective (mercury) lamps, and with another, their production to Russian Federation is forbidden by participation in the Minamatsky convention, and in the same time in the market there are already LED lamps.

Russian Federation conducts 20 years negotiations on climate as a part of so-called "Umbrella group". As a part of this group of United States of America the Kyoto Protocol, Canada did not ratify, Australia and Japan left it, and all these representatives of group increased the emissions relatively 1990. and India the emissions till 2030 do not plan to limit China too left the Kyoto Protocol, but what logic after these steps of other countries, it is possible to explain the decision Russian Federation about reduction of emissions for 25% relatively 1990 3 years prior to emergence of the Parisian agreement on climate?

In a planetary carbon cycle of the territory Russian Federation are carbon absorbers, and the major role in this cycle is carried out by the Russian woods, along with bogs and boundless tundra territories.

to Whom to Russian Federation 25 years are favorable to hide existence of this resource in our economy? Who generates scientifically unreasonable decisions President of the Russian Federation and Government of the Russian Federation, according to which:

1) In 2004 ratify the Kyoto Protocol without national control system and regulation by volumes of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases?

2) In 2007 — 2009−2011 years make decisions of Government of the Russian Federation (of 15.09.2011, No. 780) on illegal sale of part of the Russian rights for emissions and the absorbing resource which cost is not estimated at Russian Federation in December, 2012 (Qatar) Russian Federation and "undressed appears span>

3) in 2013 and divide, and wiped about it feet", having deprived of it possibility of use more than 6 billion t of reduction of emissions (the minimum cost to the European measures of 180 billion euro) reached in Kiotskogoprotokol's first period, and having limited its rights for emissions in the second period more than for 30% relatively 1990.

4) In 2015;

5) In 2016 subscribes the Parisian agreement on climate with default of mechanisms of external management by ours by natural resources which are in detail stated in 137 points of the Solution of 21 Conference of the Parties of RKIK the appendix to which is this agreement?

6) Development of a national technique of absorption of greenhouse gases lesamizaplanirovana only in 2017, but thus seriously is already discussed creation of "a carbon-free zone" in Siberia? . .

Who participated 25 years in the international negotiations on problems of regulation of volumes of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases and thus were hidden by the Russian resource of multi-billion cost which is used by other countries , and sold it for "30 Serebrennikov"?

the Article "Carbon Absorbers" reflects classical "napyorstochny games" climatic alarmist and confusion in minds of many citizens Russian Federation which is created specially by ideologists of the Kyoto and Parisian climatic processes and sellers of the Russian carbon that and further to do of us fools and is illegal to trade in national natural resources.

In spite of the fact that the initiative of "a carbon-free zone" in Siberia is seemingly frozen by p after sharp criticism, process of external management of creation from Russian Federation "a carbon-free zone" proceeds.

the New head of the climatic program of United Nations Espinoza Patritsiya (Patricia Espinosa ) so frankly also declares :

of "To us need to concentrate on implementation of the Parisian agreement and to pass to national programs for climate change for each country" .

That is, seeming voluntariness of obligations in the Parisian agreement on climate and their legal non-obligation with which the Russian coordinators and sellers of the Russian carbon lulled us at its signing, actually provides an external order of restriction on emissions by the decision of the Parties of the Parisian agreement for the countries.

regnum author Potapov Victor

Yury Trutnev
Last position: Deputy Prime Minister of Russia (Government of the Russian Federation)
Dmitry Medvedev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Security Council of the Russian Federation)
Angela Merkel
Main activity:Politician
Elvira Nabiullina
Last position: Chairman (Bank of Russia)
Oleg Deripaska
Main activity:Businessman