It meanly?
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She read its correspondence

Radulova Natalia

Acquaintances get divorced. The pregnant wife while the husband was in a bathroom, glanced in his phone. Found out: the husband brought home the constant mistress: "A cat, come, washing again in hospital", and still he has a ladylove, from accounts department, with it he is simply in love and while only nezhnichayet with Vaybere: "What you with me made? Every minute I think of you, the baby". The pregnant woman as it read, grabbed at once a stomach, let's shout, cry and again to ask for hospital. The husband from a bathroom ran out and, swinging hands and a towel, too began to shout: "Who? Who to you allowed to rummage in my phone? It meanly! I wanted a family, the child, and you destroyed everything! "

Such stories of one thousand, millions. I am enough to hammer in Internet search the phrase "Found correspondence of the husband" — and they will be tumbled down. One got into the laptop and found open mail: "It appears, at mine three mistresses, he in Google calendar writes down appointments. Today the meeting with a certain Nina has to take place. And he told me that to business trip to St. Petersburg goes, communication will not be. I do not know how I will survive this night. What to do? To collect things? To be hung up? " Another specially selected the password to blocked phone of the spouse to make sure of suspicions: on a New Year's office party he overslept with the colleague and since then regularly it repeats: "Girls, there in correspondence horror! As it is sick! My darling, the native person writes it, what it "delightful" and as he is afraid once of it to designate a name me".

"And why you got? — on such stories wise advisers run together at once. — How many time went on to you, silly women that did not read someone else's letters. What you do not know won't hurt you! " And men support: "I told at once the wife: you can control, how many I earn, whether I wash hands after a toilet and what analyses at me. But if you get into my phone or the computer — at once divorce! " As in the fairy tale about the Blue Beard: "Here to you keys from two main storerooms, here keys from gold and silver ware, here from chests with money, here from boxes with jewels, and here this small key unlocks a closet which is below, at the end of gallery. You can unlock everything, everywhere enter; but I forbid you to enter that closet".

What woman will keep? No, if the closet is open wide open and the husband stores there fishing tackles or watches football, screaming from time to time: "Bandy-legged! " — interest is not present. And if it vanishes in the secret shelter every evening, carefully locks doors and in general became any stranger, angry? After all the pregnant woman who gets divorced now, not just like that decided on check. At first she noticed how her husband changed — wives always notice it. Earlier he threw phone where popadya, and here suddenly began to keep it around, a kite rushed on each call, established the password — the foolish password, year and day of the birth, but nevertheless! Somewhere his tenderness disappeared, but there were many claims and a lot of work:" I again will be late today, do not wait, go to bed". And even when it was at home — it was not. Will bury in the phone or a tablet and something napisyvayet there. You will approach — the screen blocks a palm or switches off: "That to you? "

Well and how not to glance there? You hear that there sharpen knifes with which will kill your marriage soon. From there bears treachery and carrion, and you how all these wise wives, has to pretend, what everything is all right if only to hold on in this horror longer? No. "The temptation was too strong — it could not cope with it in any way. Took a key and, shivering as a leaf, unlocked a closet... "