Assessment of regulating influence
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The present notice department of economy of Administration of the city district Volgorechensk city of the Kostroma region notifies on carrying out public consultations within carrying out examination of standard pravovovy acts:

- resolutions of Administration of the city district Volgorechensk city of the Kostroma region of 20.06.2012.

- resolutions of Administration of the city district Volgorechensk city of the Kostroma region "About the approval of administrative regulations of Administration of the city district Volgorechensk city of the Kostroma region on granting municipal property of the city district Volgorechensk Kostroma region in rent, free use without the auction" No. 629 of 18.11.2013";

- ostanovleniye of Administration of the city district Volgorechensk city of the Kostroma region ".

Expertize is carried out for identification in the regulatory legal act of provisions which unreasonably complicate implementation of business and investment activity.

In more detail in the section Assessment of Regulating Influence .

Terms of carrying out public consultations: from August 18, 2016 to September 18, 2016

Opinions, remarks and offers go in an enclosed form

questionnaire: in electronic form to the address: or on paper to the address: Volgorechensk, 50-letiya St. of Lenin Komsomol, 4

The contact person concerning public consultations: Kiyanitsa Kirill Aleksandrovich

office number: 8(49453)52508

work schedule: from 8-00 till 17-00 on the working days.

Kiyanitsa Kirill Aleksandrovich
"Об утверждении административного регламента по осуществлению муниципального земельного контроля на территории городского округа город Волгореченск Костромской области" №199
"Об утверждении административного регламента Выдача разрешения на установку и эксплуатацию рекламной конструкции на территории городского округа город Волгореченск Костромской области" №656 от 09.12.2013