This year about 100 thousand first graders will go to schools Moscow

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information agency "Oreanda-Novosti". In September capital schools will open doors for hundred thousand first graders. The deputy head of Education Department of Moscow Vasilyeva Tatyana.

"September always for us intense time, it is connected with record in the first class. 2016 regarding growth of the children's contingent pleases us, the number of first graders grows. If in 2012 we had 86 thousand first graders, in 2016 we expect about 100 thousand. Already now, as of August, in the first classes registered more than 96 thousand" — she told.

According to her, even more often parents choose schools, close to the house. "In 2016 we observe a tendency: parents choose the first class for the child, choose school near the house, these are about 88 percent of parents" — Vasilyeva Tatyana noted.

of Another 55 percent of parents chose the first class at the same school where their children visited preschool institution.

In turn the deputy chief physician of the Center of medical prevention of Department of health care of the capital Bolshakova Ludmila reported that 80 percent of pupils of kindergartens and schools are planned to impart from flu: "This year we have to provide vaccination from flu of 80 percent of preschool children and school students".

It will allow to prevent distribution of a disease in case of an infection and will give the chance not to close schools on quarantine. Inoculations will already do since the beginning of September.

thus thanks to active vaccination in Moscow almost managed to liquidate such diseases, as a rubella and measles. This year only three cases of measles were recorded, and last year the diseased was 230.

the Chief specialist Moscow City Health Department on primary medical and sanitary help to the children's population Kartavtseva Larissa added that since August 15, in anticipation of new academic year, the Moscow policlinics passed to the strengthened operating mode. Also offices "The healthy childhood" which help to unload work of local pediatricians work.

Besides, the deputy head Moscow City Health Department Pogonin Aleksey told that before academic year in children's policlinics there will be a new service — informing of parents by e-mail. Thanks to it it will be possible to learn in time about need of medical inspection of children and timely obtaining references.

"This year for the purpose of convenience and knowledge increase we will be to all parents, whose e-mail addresses we have in base, to dispatch letters where working hours of our medical institutions and an order of obtaining references and other necessary documents" will be specified — Pogonin Aleksey explained.

Ludmila Bolshakova
Last position: Deputy chief physician for epidemiological questions (STATE BUDGETARY HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION "TSMP DZM")
Larissa Kartavtseva
Last position: Deputy (Moscow City Duma)
Vasilyeva Tatyana
Pogonin Aleksey