The Altai villagers after long-term fight "for air" got rid of the harmful enterprise

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Administration Mihailovskoe district Altai territory after long-term disputes terminated the lease contract of the land plot with LLC "MSHPZ". Directorate of the federal service for supervision in Sphere of protection of Rights of consumers and wellbeing of Person on Altai territory nevertheless recognized that this enterprise poses threat for life and health of the population of the settlement the Crimson Lake, the press service of the Altai regional office of Communist Party of the Russian Federation reports.

according to a source, LLC "MSHPZ", specializing on production of a wooden cross tie for the railroads of a broad gage, started working in Mikhaylov district since 2003. Inhabitants of the settlement many times complained that the plant is extremely adverse from the point of view of ecological safety - to increase service life of cross ties, on one of stages of their production material impregnation by strong toxic substance – creosote is carried out. Consequences from the neighbourhood with the enterprise polluting environment did not keep themselves waiting. As the local chief physician stated, in 10 years the number of patients with oncology, an illness of lungs, cardiovascular diseases sharply increased. For the solution of this problem the descent of inhabitants of the settlement the Crimson Lake on which the committee on a question of liquidation of LLC "MSHPZ" was created took place on February 3, 2015.

Members of the committee sent to p addresses addressed to the president, the governor, to regional and regional prosecutor's office, Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resource etc. Some judicial meetings at which an attempt to excite administrative production concerning plant was made took place. Meetings and pickets with the requirement to close the enterprise were also repeatedly held. As a result the lease contract of the land plot with the enterprise was terminated only on July 23, 2016. However because on the earth rented by plant there is a large-size property, to the enterprise gave time for equipment export – term is established till August 23.


LLC "MSHPZ", specializing on production of a wooden cross tie for the railroads of a broad gage, it was created in Mikhaylov district in 2003. Mityashin Nicholas was registered as the director of the enterprise. Production of the enterprise arrived on the West Siberian, Southern Ural, Northern, North Caucasian, Volga, Southeast and Gorky railroads. The arrangement of a production site on cross tie impregnation on border Altai territory with Kasakhstan, allowed Mikhaylovsky shpalopropitochny plant to cooperate with the enterprises Kasakhstan and , to deliver a cross tie on the railroads Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.