Mavlyutov Ildar about Deriglazova Inna: "It was inexpressible happiness"

@Kursk 46
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Ildar Mavlyutov about Inna Deriglazova's victory:

the Trainer of the Kursk foil fencer Deriglazova Inna Mavlyutov Ildar on arrival to Kursk shared the impressions of the Olympic victory of the pupil which he called inexpressible happiness.

B Kursk and her trainer Mavlyutov Ildar met on August 14 the Olympic champion of Rio Deriglazova Inna on fencing on a rapier admitted that beaten Deriglazova Inna in the final the Italian di Franchiska Eliza was for it the most inconvenient of possible rivals on decisive fight.

— di Franchiska Eliza — one of most inconvenient (competitors) for it — were noted by Mavlyutov Ildar. — She is the repeated world champion and very strong fencer. It would be more convenient if Deriglazova Inna met the first number of a world rating Arianna Errigo. But at the Olympic Games it did not sustain heat and took off from the first step.

during the intense fight which outcome came in the ending, the trainer in every possible way encouraged the ward, prompted how to overcome the skilled Italian and not to make mistakes. Deriglazova Inna the same as could, encouraged Mavlyutov Ildar on a course of all tournament. And before fight about di Franchiska Eliza, in a semi-final even promised to win against the compatriot Shanaeva Aida though usually promises tries not to make.

— Coming to a path with Shanayeva's Shanaeva Aida, it promised: "The trainer, do not worry, I will win this fight". And the promise kept. As two sportswomen of one country acted, I left a hall as not gentlemanlike to be present and prompt it. Therefore according to the mutual arrangement, around the world, always when athletes of one country fence, trainers are not present — Mavlyutov Ildar shared.

Already on a course of a difficult final duel about di Franchiska Eliza the mentor was present near the ward. And, when fight came to the end with Deriglazova Inna, Mavlyutov Ildar overflowed emotions.

— When it won against p, I do not remember that spoke. It was the huge pleasure, euphoria, it was inexpressible happiness. I want to tell you that the American continent for us happy. In 1968 our Soviet sportswoman Belova Helena won the first personal gold medal in fencing on a rapier. And here now, 48 years later, our second sportswoman, the first in the history of Russian Federation Deriglazova Inna won a gold medal — the honored trainer noticed Russian Federation which made earlier a powerful contribution to the Olympic gold Beijing Lamonova Eugenie.

Mavlyutov Ildar hoped that to Kursk region will continue to develop fencing up to standard. Besides, the glorified trainer counts that Deriglazova Inna will attract children and youth not only in fencing, but also in sports the whole.

of the Photo: News RIA / Sysoev Grigory