Mayorova Klavdiya: Ivanov and Sozonov were adjusted on game at full capacity

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the Head coach of combined Russian Federation on badminton Mayorova Klavdiya commented on performance of Russians in the seventh day of the Olympic Games — 2016 to Rio de Janeiro.
"In Malkov's match, certainly. But Volodya after all could gather and started game, especially in the first game.
Game of our man's couple I as a whole am happy with br. Yes, there were many errors and sometimes tactical inaccuracies. But here the match price left a mark — actually it gave us the admission in a playoffs with a high probability. Rivals showed good game — quite good children, but they obviously do not have experience. We were adjusted on game at full capacity, without looking at a rank of the rival and it was correct. The rival was for us not really convenient — offered soft game, besides and the flounce flies here more slowly that else complicates a task. But children sustained generally installations, well "found" weaker of two partners – Mathew Cho and could play it. It brought success. The condition of our players after matches good, the doctor of team Denuts Moroga watches closely Sozonov's foot, does necessary procedures and therefore everything goes normally" — Mayorova Klavdiya the official site of National federation of badminton of Russian Federation quote.
Source: National Federation of Badminton