Russian Orthodox Church - to founders of Pokemon Go: Urgently move away the Pokemons!

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of Sacred Nikolsky the cathedral located in the Vienna area of Landshtrasse, made the official complaint to founders of the game Pokemon Go the Niantic Labs company. About it reports news portal "The Local".

representatives of a cathedral demand from the company to move away all Pokemons the complaint from the temple territory. The separate attention is paid to the Pokemon with the name Raa666 who sometimes appears in the temple center.

"The church is the sacred building and can be thus used only for needs of a cult", - is spoken in the complaint.

As are noted by news portal "The Local", "augmented reality" not for the first time gets under criticism of the Austrian priests for a choice of a place of hunting or battles to Pokemon GO. As a whole reaction of official representatives of church to Austria considerably differs from positions which was taken by some priests in other countries which not only do not interfere with game, but even on the contrary, count that thus will be able to join ranks of parishioners: suddenly someone from players will return to church any more behind game.

For example, on doors of one of churches to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland hung up the announcement: "Join us on tea drinking after service at 12.14. Jesus cares of Pokemon-gamers. "

Some churches to United States of America also try to use Pokemon GO to attract players on services. As writes newspaper "The Washington Post", some of priests even download to itself(himself) a special application which creates game situations directly in cathedrals. we Will remind p to

, Pokemon Go - the free supplement based on technology of "augmented reality". One of main goals of game - to catch the Pokemon (Pocket Monster - "the pocket monster") - forced to take to the streets of many people who have been completely absorbed by this process. There was a game on July 6, almost a month ago, but for so short time of existence, it already managed to earn to herself quite scandalous reputation.

For example, in Canada the woman fired from a roof of players from the traumatic weapon because it was bothered by crowd of people with the smartphones, constantly gathering at her house.

B Guatemala the minor user of the Pokemon GO appendix was killed with p during hunting for Pokemons.

the Second teenager got to hospital with gunshot wounds. According to mass media, attack happened in the city Department of Chiquimula. On a scene found 17 sleeves.

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