Mother having many children deprive of children and the apartment because of debts on a communal flat

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<= ""/> Children at mother selected img src, as in the house — neither electricity, nor gas. Disconnected because of debts on "communal flat". Commission for minors Administration of Oktyabrsky district Mogilev Emily gave Novitskaya Oksana term to make "correction of mistakes". Will not be in time in time — will lose officially not only the parental rights, but also the apartment, writes" with SB. Belarus today ".
the Refrigerator is empty - in the apartment long ago switched off electricity and gas... In the two-room apartment Novitskaya Oksana on the suburb of the city modestly. In one of rooms four old beds press close the friend to the friend. In another — on a wall bedraggled wall-paper torn off by places. In kitchen poor utensils and empty, propped up by a torn chair, the refrigerator. .
the Hostess assures: are going to do with the husband repair. To it to give birth in August. The ninth. The husband she calls present darling from whom already has Rodion and Angelina. But officially Novitskaya Oksana and Alexander who for 11 years is younger than her, are not painted.
Private life at Novitskaya Oksana the rough. Early married, gave birth to the daughter Veronika. In one and a half years of spouses Belochkin Oleg left for earnings to Russian Federation, home — returned Gomelshchina from there. Alimony did not pay and Novitskaya Oksana and did not insist. But for some years of its absence gave birth to five more: Dima, Artem, Igor, Arseny and Vika. From different men. Also wrote down on Belochkin Oleg from which did not divorce.
When in the 2011th at Novitskaya Oksana withdrew children — anywhere did not work, for alcohol conceived a liking — "daddy" found and dumfounded: "Pay for the maintenance of sonnies and daughters in a boarding school". At that shock: it has to 16 million rubles for children about which existence learned for the first time! It was ready to pay only for the senior Veronika.
managed to be settled the Conflict. Novitskaya Oksana brought an order to the apartment, returned children, in court refused the alimony, having explained that Belochkin Oleg to them not the father. That exempted from payment for their contents. Soon Novitskaya Oksana met the next love — Aleksandra. And — again kids one by one went.
to the Large family were helped by many. Teachers from school where children Novitskaya Oksana study, by a hand drove their mother behind a gumanitarka, a grant. Work for it found — the cleaner in hospital. Plus Novitskaya Oksana received nurseries — in a month about 350 denominated rubles. But did not learn to distribute money that sufficed both on children, and on "communal flat".
the Social teacher of SSh No. 38 Poddubnaya Svetlana at Novitsky the frequent guest: — Novitskaya Oksana does not drink br, but any amorphous, lazy. Does nothing to improve the life and children. We with the Red Cross agreed — there to it 4 parcels grocery collected. So it behind them did not come week.
according to the principal Belochkin Oleg, children Novitskaya Oksana did not go to a garden, probably, mother of money was sorry. And in school — it was necessary. And they have this family on special control. One boy found the smoker, another on the commission called because stones in the old woman rushed... Teachers to Novitskaya Oksana went every week. At own expense bought products.
Somehow were, and Novitsky have an entrance door... wall props up. The school joiner came, hung up on loops, put the new lock. In other room of a door changed, bathroom equipment repaired. Novitskaya Oksana, seemingly, does not feel special gratitude.
Administration of Oktyabrsky district Mogilev Emily in which territory the family lives, gave more than once help Novitskaya Oksana. Counters on water at the expense of sponsors established to it. Having learned about debt on "communal flat", in a social security to Novitskaya Oksana offered: collect the necessary references, we will petition allocation to you money for its repayment.
as a result a pile of documents for it were collected by school. And Novitskaya Oksana did not find time to descend behind 2 "pieces of paper" which could give out only to her personally... Here the debt also remained. the Vice-chairman of Commission for minors Administration of Oktyabrsky district Mogilev Emily the Pole is surprised with br:
— this Mother though not drinking, but useless. Her oldest daughter in 16 years gave rise. Who the father — did not admit. The newborn placed in children's home. But this year Veronika officially married, the kid of a visor. Other children Novitskaya Oksana took away br to the village. Decided to change the apartment with debts for a hut without conveniences. The commission recognized that living conditions of children worsened, as a result the transaction was cancelled. And after all mummy was lucky br: the buyer on "communal flat" satisfied by then debts — 1 thousand 800 rubles new — and money about Novitskaya Oksana did not demand back. Only the house in the village returned to itself. And Novitskaya Oksana did not estimate this broad gesture. Passed a little time, and the debt on "communal flat" accumulated again.
Aemilia Polyak outlines prospects:
— If it will extinguish the main, we will petition that a penalty fee wrote off. And we will return children. If is not present — we will deprive of the parental rights. And mother should be moved.
Novitskaya Oksana assures that they with Alexander started raising money. Say, it settled on a power-saw bench, in day brings 50 — 60 rubles. Already saved up 950... that it will extinguish debt and will be able to return children, it is trusted hardly. Novitskaya Oksana in executive committee explained more than once: with it as mother having many children can allocate two spacious apartments. It is necessary to collect references only. Does not collect: — Me to pay to br for this two-room flat there is nothing. Why to me two more apartments bigger area?
Surprising there are parents. Children at them turn out unintentionally. And to realize that it is necessary to care, bring up, contain about them, it is impossible for years...
Novitskaya Oksana divorced From <"2"> Oleg in 2014. But by this time gave birth to two more from Alexander and again wrote down on former, but according to the passport of the lawful husband. Now, when children in a shelter, Belochkin Oleg again should appeal to court to prove that it — not the father. Or to pay to br for their contents — 230 rubles on one in a month... Novitskaya Oksana has to repay expenses on other five. But money is not present.
It is remarkable, as that kid who just about will be born, will appear at once in children's home. To the apartment where there is neither gas, nor light, it will not allow to bring...
the Manager of sector on work with debt of the population of the Mogilyov center of city information systems Soroka Catherina commented on a situation:
— At Novitskaya Oksana a debt on "communal flat" — more than 2 thousand 500 rubles. Plus penalty fee about 7,5 thousand. Now we decide that to do with the apartment. It which has got from mother, Novitskaya Oksana did not privatize. Now under the law the housing can be withdrawn, leased, and to start up the received money for debt repayment.