The governor opened the ski roller route
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Today, on August 2, the governor Sergei Zhvachkin discovered in the Campus Tomsk the ski roller route about 3,2 kilometers long. On it at the same time, on the divided lanes, skiers and roller skis depending on a season, cyclists and fans of the Scandinavian walking can be engaged.

Together with the head of the region the red ribbon around skiing lodge " the Blizzard " was cut the mayor by Tomsk Yvan Klyayn, the Olympic champion, the head of regional federation on cross-country skiing Baranova Natalia and the double Olympic champion, the biathlonist Zaytseva Olga.

Opening the new ski roller route, the governor Sergei Zhvachkin noted that this object will be available both to professional athletes, and fans.

"Novaya route — is new opportunities and for year-round trainings of our athletes, and for active recreation of youth. And, of course, this place for family rest, after all beauty of the nature which is opened by the new route, belongs to all residents of Tomsk and city visitors" — the head of the region told.

The governor charged to build the new sporting venue in the Campus in the fall of 2014. Then researches were carried out, and already on March 1 the 2015th contractor — JSC Dorremstroy — got down to work. Difficult geological conditions did not allow to finish them with due quality the same year, and the governor made the decision to prolong construction term.

"And we were right, after all worked not for show, and for residents of Tomsk — Sergei Zhvachkin emphasized. — Our project had also those who supported it, and those who criticized. I hope that today will be happy all".

The first tried the route roller skis — pupils of children's and youth sports schools Tomsk, Seversk, Kozhevnikovsky and Shegarsky areas. Behind them under the leadership of the participant of the Olympic Games to Sochi residents of Tomsk Mirtova  Anna started children on rollers. Then — fans of the Scandinavian walking and athletes ALL-RUSSIAN SOCIETY OF DISABLED PEOPLE.

Examining the new route, the head of the region thanked builders and the athletes participating in the project, that "put in it forces and soul". The governor charged to the chief Department on youth policy, physical culture and sport Tomsk region area to Maksimov Maxime together with representatives of the sports public to start creation in the region of the biathlon route.

Also the head of the region charged to the mayor of the regional center Yvan Klyayn and to Maksimov Maxime to develop the program of development of infrastructure of municipal skiing lodge " the Blizzard ".

"People have to have an opportunity both for sports activities, and for comfortable rest. Where to drink to tea, where to park the car — think of everything" — the governor charged.

Deputy heads of the region also participated in opening of the ski roller route Parshuto Eugenie and Fedenev Alexander, Regional administration Ivanov Anatoly, the deputy Legislative Duma of Tomsk region, the director general of TDSK Shpeter Alexander and others.

For the reference In construction of the ski roller route enclosed 36,6 million rubles from the regional budget and 5,2 million — from municipal. On all extent of the route information stands and lighting support that allows to carry out the organized and independent sports activities to a night-time are established. The kilometer circle is installed radio, on turns and dangerous places the protective grid is established. During the winter period the ski roller circle becomes part of a 5-kilometer ski circle.