PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24" strengthened the positions to Republic of Bashkortostan

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UFA, 29 Jul, 2016. /IA "Bashinform"/.

the VTB24 Bank PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24" in Republic of Bashkortostan for the first six months of this year strengthened the positions, both in the crediting market, and in the market of the raised funds even more.

"For our bank Republic of Bashkortostan is the perspective region on a number of indicators, including a considerable turn of retail trade and volumes of entered housing. On these indicators the republic takes leading positions in the Volga region that well characterizes not only dynamics of development of the market as a whole, but also how the market of retail crediting and the market of the raised funds develops. Therefore in the region we intend to strengthen the positions only" — the managing director of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24" in Volga Federal District Labutin Dimitri emphasized at a press conference in Ufa.

As Zubairov Aydar reported to p in turn, operating PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24" in Republic of Bashkortostan, "the bank finished the first half of the year with positive dynamics in all directions".

So, the volume of a retail portfolio in Republic of Bashkortostan during this time exceeded 27 billion rubles. And the most part of means, or nearly 12 billion rubles fell on mortgage lending. "In comparison with the similar period of last year, the volume of mortgage lending increased almost twice" — Zubairov Aydar stated.

According to him, "PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24" start now new programs of preferential mortgage lending in Republic of Bashkortostan. It is a question of joint actions with builders".

In particular, PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24" and Limited liability company "Group of companies "Zhilstroyinvest" already signed the agreement on start of the special mortgage program. Thanks to it, clients will be able to get apartments in houses of "Zhilstroyinvest" under construction on favorable terms with discount in 2 percent to a base rate for all term of crediting. Within the Mortgage with State Support program the rate to the credit makes 9,9 percent.

"We suggested our strategic partners to realize the similar program. The group of companies "KPD", "Stroyinvestufa", LLC "TALAN-UFA" already are participants of the special VTB24 programs PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24". With other builders negotiations are now conducted. Special conditions which builders plan to provide clients together with us is a real opportunity to make a mortgage even more available" — Zubairov Aydar is convinced chapter PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24" of Republic of Bashkortostan.

As noted at a press conference, high reliability and good conditions on the deposits PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24" allowed to increase client base. So, as of July 1 of the current year, the general portfolio exceeded 16,5 billion rubles.

"The share of clients who choose a savings account grows. In portfolio structure its share from 1 percent grew to 5 percent. By the end of 2016 we expect that it is an indicator will reach already 10-15 percent — the managing director reported PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24" to Volga Federal District Labutin Dimitri.

"Estimating results of work of our bank in the first half of the year, it is possible to say that the banking sector entered a restoration stage. Such positive dynamics was promoted, first of all, by economy stabilization, extension of action of socially significant state programs, and also the weighed approach PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24" to business" — Zubairov Aydar summarized.

Aydar Zubairov
Last position: Managing director of Regional operational office "Ufa" (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VTB 24")
Labutin Dimitri