In Ministry of culture did not pass the movie Youri Aleksandrovich Bykov about fight of hard workers against the oligarch

@Svobodnaja pressa
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Advisory council at the Ministry of Culture did not allow to presentation for investors the new project of the director Youri Aleksandrovich Bykov "Plant". Thus the screenwriter lost opportunity to receive a subsidy from the state.

On the page on a social network of Youri Aleksandrovich Bykov assumed that the chosen subject, instead of quality of the scenario became a cause of failure. "I do not want to sneer angrily that the movie about hard workers from whom took away a piece of bread, and fighting for the future with the oligarch — not an important social subject for experts, but, by result … it so" — was written by the director.

thus it added that "accepted this situation adequately" and all the same will shoot the movie "Plant".

of Youri Aleksandrovich Bykov it is known as the author of the criminal drama "Live", the social pictures "Major" and "Fool", and also series "Method".

Youri Aleksandrovich Bykov
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