The network public derided "funeral" improvement of Barnaul

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the Administration of Oktyabrsky district of Barnaul originally decided to arrange well the subordinated territory in the regional center. On the square of Councils, directly on "zero kilometer", there were huge metal tulips. Thus officials for some reason decided to be limited to odd quantity of flowers, on what many Barnaul citizens paid attention. About implementation of this ambiguous project it is told on a municipal administration site.

As they say in the message, each of decorative flowers reaches about seven meters in height. At night in "tulips" illumination has to join. The idea to establish these "improvement elements", as appears from the message, came to mind to the head of administration of Oktyabrsky district Vyacheslav Novikov. "Tulips are established within the plan of improvement of the territory of Oktyabrsky district. This idea wanted to be realized long ago, at last to us it managed to be realized. We hope that inhabitants and guests of our area and the city will appreciate these decorative designs" — are provided in the message of his word.

Many Barnaul citizens estimated "a design find" with humour, but some scarified the city authorities for this idea, having called it crazy. Rough discussion in hundreds comments inflamed in community of Barnaul of 22 "VKontakte". "Well the hogwash of the hogwash, spoils all panorama. Artificial, not natural, nonsense" — it is spoken in the comment of the user which has collected tens laykov. "Cheap looks. As the Chinese plastic beads on an evening dress. And two flowers are certainly yes.... no comment" — are written by other participant of community. "In the road center more or less dollied up, it is possible to arrange now "demonstration performances" in the form of any decorative tinsel of "wellbeing"... And what with other areas? And we will go on holes and potholes? ! " — questions the third.

Even the professional community did not approve installation of huge tulips. "Sur-na-Ploshchadi. Someone knows from where it? Who dizayniroval? " - the architect Alexander Dering on the page of "VKontakte" wrote. "Everything is correct, two pieces" — one of users of the Network answered it.

it is not excluded that after such reaction of the public the city authorities dismantle flowers or at least will add one more "tulip". In what sum "installation" managed to the city budget, it is not known.


of the Photo: site of administration of Barnaul