In Kashin for tourists stirred up big trouble
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In day of Akulina-grechishnitsy (on June 26) in the city of Kashin (Tver region) passed the fourth, already become traditional the Festival of porridge organized by administration of the Kashinsky area, Assembly of the people of Russia, the All-Russian labor union of domestic agricultural producers and processors of agricultural products (Rosselprof and travel agencies "Kashin a hail". The special press tour was dated for a holiday also, - our correspondent reports. Though the name of the city occurs from the Finno-Ugric word "kashina" - "the river which has grown with a cane", many consider that the name to it was given by a traditional ceremonial Russian dish — a fertility symbol especially as in archive of one of local landowner estates record was found: "Here on porridge came, to us spoke in old times, it on squares edali, called Kashin therefore". The festival opened delivery to the head of the Kashinsky area Herman Balandin of the diploma about establishment by kashinets of a record by quantity of the welded - and eaten - buckwheat cereal in 2015, and also a parting word to the city of Kashin of the vice-chairman of Council of Assembly of the people of Russia Irina Galanova to carry on tradition of establishment of kashevarny records in a current of 193 years - that each people of our country could stir up own big trouble. Each of annual kashinsky festivals byvet is devoted to a certain type of porridge, and this year pearl-barley (pearl) porridge was the focus of attention. For its preparation to the city were invited well-known the chef – Maxim Syrnikov, the author of numerous books about Russian cuisine, and Anton Prokofiev. Under their management the huge copper of 1300 liters pined on fire. For preparation of porridge 350 kg of pearl barley, 600 l of water, 30 kg of butter, 10 kg of salt, 20 kg of sugar are used. For a promeshivaniye of such weight specially invented adaptations reminding shovels were used. Grain was wetted in days and welded in 3 hours - all it turned out about 1100 liters of porridge "with a smoke". This volume became already the second kashevarny record in the history of Russia. The first the big fan of porridges Pyotr I as whom the stage and film actor Vyacheslav Naumenko acted tried the turned-out dish. Business was not limited to pearl barley: during the holiday it was possible to taste simenukhu - polbu from a wild grade of wheat, "sorochinsky millet", the well-known Guryev porridge, kolivo which cooked on big holidays. Everyone could taste porridges which were eaten by our ancestors. Guests of a holiday could walk to the Street of culinary brands of Russia on which the variety of cultural and culinary traditions of the Russian province was presented. Numerous excursions took place interactive excursions in recently created Museum Kashi and kashinsky traditions. "By the most approximate calculations, - tells the deputy director general of Kashin-grad travel agency Olga Nikitina, - during the holiday more than 3 thousand people visited. There were some organized tourist groups — from Moscow, Tver, Electrostal and other cities. Work on holiday "advance", that is on informing on it all interested persons, first of all travel agencies, we began last year — on culinary to a form in Tver and continued at the Inturmarket exhibition. The first results it is available, but, certainly it would be desirable bigger. In other words, bigger number of guests and especially participants — we would like to see during the holiday from other countries, first of all the former USSR — at them the, very rich traditions, cookings of porridges".