The State Office of Public Prosecutor demanded to close matter in the relation of the owner of "Domodedovo"

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The acting as the public prosecutor Alexander Gutsan sent to the chairman of Committee of inquiry Alexander Bastrykin the requirement about the termination of criminal prosecution of the owner of the Domodedovo airport Dmitry Kamenshchik accused on the case of act of terrorism, reports Interfax with reference to the official representative of supervising department Alexander Kurenny.

According to him, in the State Office of Public Prosecutor draw on "acceptance of immediate measures to elimination of violations of the law on criminal case concerning the Bricklayer and some other heads of the airport".

on July 1 the Moscow City Court cancelled house arrest of the Bricklayer, and also rejected the petition of a consequence for extension of house arrest to the director of an airport complex Vyacheslav Nekrasov and the ex-head of operating firm on aviation safety Andrey Danilov.

knew Earlier that all civil suits declared within criminal case act of terrorism at the Domodedovo airport in 2011, are withdrawn .

on June 7 the "Domodedovo" management the beginning to pay to p compensation by the victim. we Will remind p to

, on January 24, 2011 the suicide bomber Magomed Yevloyev got on the territory of the airport and arranged suicide bombing. 37 people were lost, 172 more got wounds.

brought criminal case about rendering the services which are not meeting safety requirements. About 40 victims submitted claims for the sum up to 700 million rubles to commercial structures of the airport.

Within this business arrested the former director of the airport of Domodedovo Vyacheslav Nekrasov, the ex-managing director of the director of the company "Domodedovo erport avieyshen the security guard" Andrey Danilov, the former head of the Russian representative office of Airport Management Company Limited Svetlana Trishina and the Bricklayer. According to the investigators, they did not provide absolute examination of visitors of the airport, thereby having made possible act of terrorism.

Alexander Gutsan
Last position: Plenipotentiary of the President (Device of Plenipotentiary of President of the Russian Federation in of the Northwestern Federal District)
Dmitry Kamenshchik
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors of DME Ltd
Svetlana Trishina
Bastrykina Alexandra
Kurenny Alexander