"Apple" proposed candidates for the State Duma at night: Yavlinsky, Mitrokhin, Beeps, Shirshina, Olga Li …

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<= "image" src = width "http://www.media.nakanune.ru/images/pictures/image_8213.jpg" = "105" height = "75" class = "img_body" alt = "Apple" proposed img itemprop candidates for the State Duma at night: Yavlinsky, Mitrokhin, Beeps, Shirshina, Olga Li …" = "Apple" proposed title candidates for the State Duma at night: Yavlinsky, Mitrokhin, Beeps, Shirshina, Olga Li …" align = "left"/>

the Party "Apple" put forward the coalition list of candidates of the State Duma, and also candidates in 185 one-mandatory districts. Discussion of candidates at pre-election congress proceeded on July 2 15 hours and ended with ballot which began at 1.00 on July 3, reported Nakanune.Ru in the party press service.

the all-federal part of the list included 10 people (the maximum number of candidates allowed by the law). The chairman of federal political party committee, the leader of Yabloko fraction in Legislative assembly of St. Petersburg Grigory Yavlinsky heads it. On the second place – the chairman of the party, the deputy of Legislative Assembly of Karelia Aemilia Slabunova . The third – professor of Higher School of Economics Vladimir Ryzhkov . On the fourth place - the leader of Pskov "Apple", the journalist Lev Shlosberg. the Fifth – the leader of Moscow "Apple", the chairman of the party in 2008-2015 Sergey Mitrokhin .
the Sixth place is taken by the adviser to the chairman of federal political committee Mark Geylikman . On the seventh and on the ninth places – vice-chairmen of party the ecologist Nikolay Rybakov and the director Alexander Gnezdilov . On the eighth place – the adviser to the chairman of the party, the mayor of Petrozavodsk in 2013-2015 Galina Shirshina . Deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation Dmitry Gudkov closes ten.

the Federal list consists of 64 regional groups in which will stand 331 candidates (besides all-federal ten).

Judging by information distributed by party, bright leaders in regions of URFO "Apple" has. On extremely measure, in the official press release following the results of congress they are not designated in any way. But it is known that the ex-ombudsman of South Ural, "Mikhail Yurevich's person" of Alexey Sevastyanov who until recently wanted to go on elections with "Homeland" , quickly oriented and will enter the "Apple" list across Chelyabinsk region.

But, for example, it is noted that at the head of three Moscow groups there are economists, deputies of the State Duma of 1-3 convocations Sergey Ivanenko (the deputy chairman of party), Alexey Melnikov and the human rights activist Valery Borshchev .

the Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Kursk region Olga Li whom suspect of "hatred or hostility excitement" and "humiliation of human dignity pro anti-Putin" the video, will go to elections on the Kursk district of Kursk region.