The ex-president of Slovakia got into accident

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the Ex-president of Slovakia Ivan Gashparovich got into a car accident in the suburb of Bratislava, reported a site Teraz .

"The Mercedes brand car on unknown while to the reasons faced in the suburb of Bratislava the counter car of the Ford-Galaksi brand — quotes the edition the representative of regional police Lucia Migalikowa.

"Mercedes" took off as a result of collision out of highway limits, none of his passengers did not suffer. Gasparovic was taken out from the car by employees of his protection. Being at a wheel "Ford-Galaksi" the woman got off with the small scratches, the appeared in time medics gave her necessary help.

Ivan Gashparovich held a post of the president of the Slovak republic two terms — from 2004 to 2009 and from 2009 to 2014. He is 75 years old.