Industrialists of Leninsky district met participants of primaries of "ER"

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In a recreation center of Kontakt plant of Leninsky district of Saratov there took place a meeting of members of "United Russia", participants of straw party vote with workers and inhabitants of the area. The meeting was devoted to questions of development of the industry and training of specialists of working professions, and also development of theses in an election program of party.

the Chief of JSC NPP Almaz Georgy Sakhadzhi zatronul vazhny vopros importozameshcheniya.

Saratovskiye predpriyatiya Kontakt and "Diamond" scientific-industrial complex make the high-knowledge-intensive, technological and specialized production which is the strategic country for defense industry. But in the production we can use only the foreign equipment. Dependence on import, thus, remains. It is necessary to restore machine-tool construction and metallurgy to avoid it ", - he emphasized.

For the solution of this problem the lawyer of the enterprise Andrey Korkin suggested to include in the party program creation of state corporations on machine-tool construction and the relevant plants on production of machines.

"I worked as p at plant and I understand that to restore the lost capacities suddenly it will not turn out. If "United Russia" takes this direction, questions of development of production under the control, the situation has to change to the best. At meetings with inhabitants the speech about protection of interests of employees of the enterprises, support of the producers sometimes it is difficult to them to compete with the foreign often comes.

to us need to eliminate with p gaps that our plants revived. After all it is the new workplaces, the corresponding infrastructure – houses for young specialists, kindergartens, schools, palaces of culture, schools and technical schools. Behind it always there were enterprises, this practice is considered necessary to continue further ", – Oleg Grishchenko reminded, having supported the acting.

of the Deputy chief of Almaz scientific-industrial complex Sergey Zhuravlev raised the questions of the social sphere:" is recently considerably lowered age of the people working at a factory. It would be desirable to resort to support of Party and to return to providing young specialists with housing".

the Deputy of municipal duma Margarita Kozlova reminded that in recent years similar projects manage to be realized in the Saratov region thanks to support of our fellow countryman Vyacheslav Volodin – some representatives of scientific community already used opportunity to receive apartments from the higher education institutions.

"Personnel policy of the enterprises has to correlate p with a labor market. Today to us not to leave anywhere from need of revival of vocational training ", – Margarita Kozlova told.

Including to these questions devoted great attention at the program forum which has passed in Novosibirsk of United Russia party "Science and education – the future of Russia", the dean of faculty of economic security and customs affairs of SSEI REU of Plekhanov, the participant of a straw vote by definition of candidates for the subsequent promotion from United Russia party candidates of the State Duma Tatyana Kasayeva : "Young shots come to production from ssuzov. It is necessary to pay to these institutions special attention that wishing graduates of schools could get quality professional education without problems, working specialty, and come to work for plants".