Samara waits for Yury Bashmet and children's academy of CIS and Baltic countries

@Argumenty nedeli
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In Samara and the cities of the Samara region since June 13 - 20, 2016 there will pass the sixth musical children's academy of CIS and Baltic countries. Art director of academy Yury BAShMET. Children's Academy enjoy steady popularity at young musicians, their teachers and parents. Already many pupils received the real start in life after the Academic occupations. Someone arrived in musical school, someone managed to be prepared even better for prestigious competition, someone found belief in the forces.

Yury Bashmet's academy in the Samara region is not only chance to be heard, to receive a valuable advice and recommendations from eminent musicians – soloists – skilled teachers, but also opportunity to communicate to contemporaries – adherents, to exchange impressions. Participation in Academy becomes more and more prestigious, and young musicians, of course, with pride note the fact of participation in Academy in the creative biographies.

It is known that Yury Bashmet, except occupations with students of the Moscow state conservatory where heads viola chair, carries out numerous master classes (as in Russia, and abroad), is the artistic director already several educational centers in several cities of Russia for especially exceptional children. Yury Bashmet conducts many years patronage of music school in Novokuybyshevsk, in the Samara region. This school with pride bears for a long time Yury Bashmet's name.

this year the Children's musical academy will pass in the cities: Samara, Novokuybyshevsk, Tchapaevsk. Occupations will take place strong on the following specialties: violin, viola, piano, violoncello, guitar, flute, clarinet/saxophone.

This year within Academy will pass occupations, the master – classes of leading teachers – known soloists, concerts and joint speeches of young musicians on one scene with known actors. Concerts in all cities where there will pass academy are planned. (as option - concerts in Samara, Novokuybyshevsk and Tchapaevsk Are planned).

> </span> </p> <p> <span style = One of the main tasks of work of Academy - the Renaissance of traditions to inherent Soviet and Russian school of game on musical instruments.

the Main objective of Academy – revival of Soviet performing School when graduates of the highest and average professional educational institutions played much better than the foreign age-mates. At the same time the Academy is also renewal and a full development of cultural ties between Russia and other CIS countries. In 2012 movement of musical Academy for the first time joined the Baltic States. It is very important fact as it is the bright proof – over music are not imperious neither borders, nor policy.

The essence of Musical Academy is similar to Sports collecting - participants come for some days, and in a current of each of days they devote bigger time to occupations and master classes, besides, children communicate, give concerts, visit creative meetings. It should be noted that all occupations for pupils of Academy take place free of charge. Besides, pupils of Academy during work of Academy have an opportunity to play concerts on one stage with known musicians.

> </span> </p> <p> <span style = Organizers of academy: Ministry of Culture of the Samara region, "The Russian concert agency", "Agency of sociocultural technologies", administration of the lake Novokuybyshevsk of the Samara region, administration of the city district Tchapaevsk.