The head of administration L.V.Ovchiyeva solemnly handed over certificates on housing
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On June 8, 2016 in a conference hall of Administration of Oktyabrsky district the festive event on delivery of certificates on providing social payment on acquisition and construction of housing to participants of the federal target program " the Sustainable development of rural territories for the period till 2020 " took place. In Oktyabrsky district since 2006 to the present implementation of the federal target program on which young families, young specialists and the citizens working in rural areas receive certificates on social payments on acquisition and housing construction is conducted. In 10 years of 130 families – inhabitants of our Oktyabrsky district were improved by the living conditions thanks to this program. More than 105 million rubles were spent for these purposes in the form of social payments. With welcome speech the head of administration of Oktyabrsky district L.V.Ovchiyeva acted and handed over certificates to 21 more families with total amount of social payments from various budgets more than 25 million rubles. Congratulating young families, L.V. Ovchiyeva emphasized that the most expensive that is at each family this housing, and acquisition by his young families it it is especially pleasant. The head of administration of the area expressed gratitude to all young families and wished to each family to remain to live and work at the village, to raise children and to make a contribution to social and economic development of Oktyabrsky district.