Bargaining chip - the attitude towards the client
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Primterkombank management about its strategy, strengths and prospects

The first commercial bank of Primorye specializing at work with small and medium business, last Friday celebrated housewarming, having moved to own, just built building on Semenovskaya St., 6г. The courageous decision in difficult time from the economic point of view, is written by the Business newspaper "Zolotoy Rog".

About what there lives today one of the oldest banks of edge, whether its strategy as work with risks is based, and what main advantages of work with clients to the Business newspaper "Zolotoy Rog" exchanged in 27 years of work the chairman of the board of directors of Primterkombank Elena TEKIYEVA and the chairman of the board Oksana of SIM told.

- This year to Primterkombank 28 years, its creation - result of the kooperatorsky movement which has begun in the late eighties are executed. Whether it was succeeded to keep the spirit of an enterprise initiative which is so peculiar to bank at the beginning of formation and in what it is expressed today?

Elena Tekiyeva:

- If to understand as enterprise spirit the increased readiness for risks, now we, of course, we cannot afford it. All risks died at the time of emergence of new requirements of the Central Bank. We so strictly observe all standards that the speech can go only about well weighed business initiatives. Constantly we analyze a situation in the market of banking services, accurately we know needs of the clients, we try to take the best from this that applies the market, and to introduce in the practice.

- The building of new office not simply decorated the downtown, but is also very functional as initially was projected and under construction under needs of bank, and this very expensive decision. Than this step is caused and what it will give to your clients?

Oksana of Sim:

– First of all it would be desirable to thank once again founders of bank for such step which has demanded big investments, but thereby Primterkombank continues to show to clients gravity of the intentions: it here for a long time also is not going to leave from the market. Now service and legal, and natural persons will be even more comfortable. In our opinion, than service level is higher, especially the respect for clients (whom, by the way, we always regard as partners) is expressed.

- And in what the essence of partnership consists for you?

Oksana of Sim:

– That we always nearby also are ready to make more than that the usual relations of bank and the client mean. We trace all changes of the banking legislation, the tax sphere, we bring information to clients. We help to find tools which allow to make products more available. It can be cooperation with Guarantee fund of Primorsky Krai, MSP Corporation and other structures.

It is remarkable that crisis in economy rallies banks. Earlier all of us were closed, but today even more often we start interacting as partners. So, there was a case when the client who is served at us many years, needed more serious credit, than we could give out to it, and with our recommendations he received it in other bank.

- In spite of the fact that it is unprofitable for your business?

- We always try to act in interests of the client, to carry on with him open dialogue. And, by the way, in gratitude for this step the company remained on service in our bank. Same concerns also the relations with other partners. Recently Hunchunsky Rural Commercial Bank with which we and fruitfully work long ago, appealed to us to secure their client. During implementation of a chain of bank payments to Russia there was an emergency shutdown of light, and about 500 thousand rubles which had to be urgently transferred to Siberia, hanged in air. We transferred the missing amount which was compensated to us next morning from the accounts. Thereby we supported the Chinese bank in a difficult situation, it, in turn, did not bring the client, and that is the Russian partner. In it also there is an essence of full-fledged partnership.

Elena Tekiyeva:

– I will add that we the corporate clients - and in bank 1416 legal entities are served - we know well. We initially specialized on service of the enterprises of small and medium business, and it still our main client, and he today as you understand, has not the simplest times. And our task – to give it full support, beginning from a professional advice and finishing human participation. If we see according to quarterly reports that there are problems in accounting, our experts point to it, make explanations, rendering, in fact, free consulting services. We help to pick up the auditor companies, and at times and to find the business partner in the necessary direction, and so in everything.

- That is the main advantage of bank – the personalized approach to the client?

Oksana of Sim:

- Quite so. Being small regional bank, we can afford it. Behind the depersonalized concept "business" we see the concrete companies and people, we know, than there lives each of our clients, what tasks are set, what help needs, and we try to meet his expectations as much as possible.

And it works not only concerning corporate clients. We see it on base of natural persons. In spite of the fact that we, after the market, are compelled to reduce rates on deposits and sometimes they lose to that other banks offer, clients all the same do not leave that is result of the personal relation of the specific ordinary employees sitting on reception. And such examples characterizing other party of relationship, there is a lot of.

- As far as changed in recent years strategy and bank tasks?

Oksana of Sim:

– The main task – to hold positions in the market. For this purpose, of course, we take all new steps. This year, for example, consciously went to making bank more technological. From now on we try to make any our service more convenient and available, began introduction of contactless technologies which are applied in many large banks. Besides, we consider service by means of voice technologies. In the banking market there is a lot of novelties, and all of us are more actively developed in this party.

- How work with risks is based? Practice shows that market circumstances quite often appear izoshchrenny strategy that the banks which nowadays have sunk into oblivion built.

Elena Tekiyeva:

- Let's not hide, today, when crisis "kills" clients owing to what there are problems of non-payments, too it is necessary us not easy. The period of the end of the 2014th - the beginning of the 2015th when because of the failed ruble many players of the Russian business, especially small and average, appeared on the verge of bankruptcy was especially difficult. We analysed a situation, drew conclusions and took certain measures. In particular, in 2015 created department on control of bank risks.

Certainly, we became more careful. During the work with banks we choose the enterprises with the state participation. When crediting clients we analyze their state and if the speech, for example, goes about holding more fixedly, we estimate risks in a complex.

- Being regional financial institution, Primterkombank, nevertheless, does not limit itself territorially and actively develops towards ATR countries. Tell about this movement in more detail.

- Yes, we see in it big prospect. Improved the strong correspondent relations with the Hunchunsky Rural Commercial Bank accepting the translations both in rubles, and in yuans, and in dollars. Opened accounts in yuans in Bank of China, the Chinese Development bank, Yanbyansky Agricultural Bank of cooperation. Established the relations with Tszilinsky Bank. Moreover, Primterkombank only in the Far East provides service in transportation of cash money between Russia and the People's Republic of China. We in general very closely work with Banks of China. Our bank to one of the first became the member of the Russian-Chinese Council and actively participates in its activity.

- At a ceremonial opening of new office clients told many warm words to the bank management. And what, in turn, you want to tell them?

Oksana of Sim:

- First of all, there is a wish to thank them for fidelity and trust. Clients come to us both with troubles, and with pleasures, and it is very valuable. We, in return, do not pursue excess profit, we do not participate in doubtful transactions and we make well thought over decisions to keep stability and stability. Thus we always fulfill the assumed obligations, despite of economic or political "weather" behind a window. And what we did, us still dvigzhet simple desire – to keep up with the clients, continuing to follow the principles of reliability, availability and efficiency.

Elena Tekiyeva:

- I always speak to clients: with the banker it is necessary to communicate the same as with the doctor - as on spirit to tell everything that excites or disturbs, without trying to seem is more successful or krashe. Tell honestly about problems and needs, all of us will understand and we will surely find a way how to help. And the main thing, I wish to clients of bank to go always forward, without looking at any crisis. Other option simply is not present presently. And to remember that Primterkombank always nearby.

Tatyana ORLOVA. Zolotoy Rog newspaper, Vladivostok.