Notes lepidopterologa
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As soon as the first butterflies take off, leave studies lepidopterologi — scientists-entomologists who study Lepidoptera. So butterflies call because their wings are covered by the smallest cheshuyka, Anatoly Kulak, the leading researcher of laboratory of land invertebrate animals of the NAN Scientific and practical center of Belarus on bioresources specifies. Nearly 20 years it professionally hunt with a net. Not so long ago the seventh returned from the next expedition, already in a year. Speaks, only until the end of May on bogs there is a chance to meet two rare species of the perlamutrovka which are dying out in Europe.

— friggu, for example, since 2010 nobody found Perlamutrovka in Belarus. Whether there was this look, it is possible to learn, only if to continue research, including to reconnoiter new marsh massifs — in a voice of the scientist I hear passion notes. And it also does not hide: the most pleasant in work — after winter, processing of results, reports and a hypodynamia again it to appear in favourite ecosystems, on riding bogs.

From March to November Anatoly Viktorovich spends nearly a half of working hours in business trips. Collects caterpillars, catches butterflies... From indispensable attributes with itself the net, different jars, boxes, a notebook. And still the GPS navigator to note places of registration of each important look, whether it be the wrecker or any rarity.

— When evening approaches, I equip parking on a lodging for the night, and with approach of deep twilight I study night species of butterflies who more than in 10 times more, than day — are surprised by the interlocutor. — How to make out them? For this purpose I take with myself the generator on 220 V and a lamp with a powerful light stream. I direct light on the screen made of cloth tense between trees. And the trick is farther: I stand and catch a net of the butterflies attracted with light. There was time when almost from each business trip brought on types slightly new to our country. In total found them more than one hundred. Researches allowed to prove inclusion of 34 types in the Red List. For places of their dwelling whenever possible I make passports and security obligations: in them it is specified that it is necessary to do to keep an endangered species in the concrete territory as it is possible more long.

Golubyanki which caterpillars live in ant hills and eat larvae of ants. Flower geometrids to find which it is possible only in flowers of a rare foxglove. Brazhniki, received the nickname for thirst for the begun to ferment juice. Vasilistnikovy kaliptry — close to a look that lives in tropics of Asia and can feed on blood of animals. To learn flavoring addictions of our butterfly, scientists placed her in a test tube and thrust there a finger. The verdict — pierces skin easily... It seems, about butterflies Anatoly Viktorovich can infinitely tell. But is at it and the favourite — Metelki's she-bear. Was considered to meet it in Belarus the improbable. After all it is a relic thermophilic look which already died out in France, Germany, Slovakia... But in 2007 in the wildlife area "Zvanets" for one night to my interlocutor on light 4 such butterflies flied already. The scientist from surprise even took them for other look.

Metelki's legendary she-bear.

— Colleagues from abroad cannot still believe in it (probably, envy! ) . But last year Metelki's she-bear repeatedly delivered me pleasure. And I was convinced that this look at us lives steadily, instead of is incidentally brought by a wind. And still it was succeeded to couple these butterflies, to receive eggs, caterpillars, dolls, that is to track all life cycle. All family — the wife and three children helped to bring up this "herd". And now I prepare the big scientific article in biology of this legendary look.

Among qualities which has to possess lepidopterolog, Anatoly Viktorovich considers as one of the most important endurance. After all sometimes it is necessary to work almost round the clock. Apart from tourist tent, a sleeping bag and to that similar, it is necessary to drag about 20 kg of a special equipment. Food — a dry ration. On a dream well if 4 — 5 hours remain. Moreover iksodovy ticks should be unscrewed from time to time from skin. Butterflies, by the way, too are not so harmless. Promptly flying night types can wound an eye or fly in an ear that in Anatoly Viktorovich's life happened twice. Therefore to conduct night fishing it is desirable wearing spectacles and with cotton wool slices in ears. And still it is necessary to be the optimist: without confidence that your business helps to preserve the nature, without hope that in the following expedition you will meet that look which you expect, in this profession could not be done.

Makhaon — the most beautiful and largest day butterfly in Belarus.

The samples of butterflies found and removed by the scientist by all means fill up the academic entomological collection. How many there all copies of insects? Probably, hundreds thousands... Anatoly Viktorovich hopes that once it becomes national property.

By the way, correctly to dry up a butterfly, considerable ability too is required. Material very fragile, it is necessary to work yuvelirno. To keep fleeting beauty for many years, use special raspravilka, needles, boxes... There is a lot of nuances. It is not a pity for butterflies?

Endemik of China — pavlinoglazka dubernardi.

— I — am sorry. Some over the years harden. And I become sentimental. Insects even roused me to verses, fairy tales, and I already repeatedly became the winner of literary competitions. But without withdrawal from the nature while in any way. The matter is that many types very small and similar. If not to prepare them and not to consider distinctive features under binokulyary, to identify it will not turn out. Besides, in entomology the tradition is very strong: it is necessary to provide a look copy that to you believed. However, if on light krasnoknizhnik arrive, I collect them in cages to determine number, and next morning I release, having made a photo. I have many photos of butterflies. It turned out even to organize two personal exhibitions in Minsk.

Does not seek to chase exotic butterflies over other countries lepidopterolog. Speaks, in Belarus about 1.800 types are known only. And by calculations can live not less than 2.300. Means, each new day can bring new opening. So why somewhere to go?

5 interesting facts

One of the most rare and large species of butterflies — a ptitsekrylka of the queen Aleksandra. Scope of her wings can reach 28 cm. Lives only in a neighborhood of the settlement of Popondett in Papua New Guinea. And the smallest butterflies of a planet — representatives of family of the moths babies, which wingspan sometimes only 3 — 4 mm.

In the Republic of Sakha the Arctic Apollo is declared by national property, and for its capture the penalty in 40.000 dollars is established!

In a haemo lymph of butterflies a pestryanok cyanic connections which are considered as the very poisonous are found.

Fragile in appearance a butterfly Apollon Hanningtona lives in vicinities of Mount Everest at the height up to 6.000 meters above sea level.

Butterflies monarchs from Canada and northern part of the USA depart to winter to Mexico, Texas and California. During migration million on number multikilometer packs of butterflies overcome distance over 3 thousand kilometers!

Vitaly Pivovarchik's photo and from Anatoly Kulak's archive.

Soviet Belarus No. 105 (24987). Saturday, June 4, 2016

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Author of the publication: Nadezhda DEKOLA

Publication date: 10:33:50 PM 03.06.2016

Кулак Анатолий Викторович
Pivovarchik Vitaly
Dekola Nadezhda