Polish roulette. To cure game dependence and to get for Euro

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Kamil Grositski fell into game dependence, it is a lot of saws, fought with the president of club. And now goes for Euro the leading player of Poland national team. the Forward with run. Dado Prso: from the mechanic to the finalist of LCh

– Open a door! Quickly! Well how many it is possible to sleep …

"Yagelloniya's" Trainer Michal Probezh drummed on a door and the evil pressed a doorbell. Generally it kind, but Kamil Grositski brought to such state that its enraged shouting was audible on all suburb of Bialystok. Strange – the trainer usually shouts at the player when he does not give all the best on occupations or in matches, and Probezh arrived with an angry tirade directly to Grositsky's house, with a magnificent garden and a pond where a lot of fish is found. In the morning the trainer came for "Yagelloniya's" training in Pogozhaleke, looked at team and asked a question where again carries Grositsky. And it lay in and slept a sweet dream.

Probezhu should beat minutes five while the street door will be not opened by Grositsky's girl — Dominica. The trainer asks at once where Kamil, is convinced that houses, with the permission of the girl rushes inside and observes a picture – the sleeping ward, with a pale face and 10-kilogram bags under eyes. Again went on a spree with the friend according to "Yage" — the Polish Armenian Vaan Gevorgyan . Only that after drunk night in club arrived to Pogozhalek on training, and Groshik – sleeps.

Probezh asks Dominica to wake the player – does not leave. Itself parts forcibly Grositsky – that gives a snore, and from a mouth smells as the reek of alcohol. The trainer "Yagelloniya" it finally irritates, and he shouts at all house: "Kamil, get up, for you there arrived "Aston Willa"! They want to talk to you right now! ". Grositski slightly opens eyes and turns over on other side. It seems, it is a dream.

No scouts of "Country house" in Poland existed. But Probezh, ready to shoot the player directly at his bed, and Dominica looking at the guy by a disapproving look was near, and it was at all the dream. As well as everything that happened to Grositsky for the last 5 years.
Though everything began br is iridescent. It grew in Bouck's settlement that near Szczecin, and went on all possible sections. Especially it turned out with ballroom dances – somehow Grositski's time went to the junior championship of Poland, and home arrived, bemedalled. But the second John Travolta did not leave Kamil – the ball suited it more strongly, than a scene and flats. And even 50 minutes of a driving by bus to "Pursuit" stadium where its team was engaged and where the basis lodged, did not confuse the young guy. On trainings it took a ball in feet and went to sprint – was rectilinear, but is effective, rivals flew away, as from a wall. And when "Pursuits" played house matches, Grositski served balls because of gate to Grzegorz Milcharsky . It only just returned to Poland from the Spanish "Salamanca", and before there was a year in "Porto", and little Kamil wanted the same adventures – only with a great success.
Video. 1:0 . Grositski ("Rennes") opens the account
match Online translation "Rennes" — "Reims"

And when Grositski grew to a basis of "pomorets", his "Pursuits" already in itself became team adventure. Her owner – the businessman Antoni Ptac – was apathetic and cold to b to club, but adored the Brazilian soccer. In the city of Petrkuv-Trybunalski Ptak constructed big training center for Brazilians, and then flooded with them "Pursuits" – so in a season-2006/07 when Groshik began to play constantly, in Szczecin a team from 17 Brazilians and 10 Poles was gathered. Zarubalis also fought on trainings, gave in only to compatriots – not the best place for a debut in big soccer. But Grositski – fast, resourceful, the guy with character – quietly accustomed even to such team. However, it was necessary to look for a new place of work in the summer. The "pursuits", become for football Poland a laughing-stock, took off, and Ptak's swindles emerged then, and team sent to the third league.

to find to itself team, Kamil became friends with the agent Mariusz Pekarsky who runs now business of Maciej Rybusya , and that advised the player to go to U-20 World Cup to Canada where there will be many scouts. By the way, exactly there CSKA found to itself the best friend of "Spartak" David Yanchik . But at first it was necessary to go with Poland national team to friendly tournament to Jordan – to such Groshika did not prepare life. He declared through the press that was tired and will not go, and Mikhail Globish threw out Kamil from structure on a WC. Grositski not really was upset – soon signed the contract with "Legiya".

the Young guy from the settlement got to Warsaw tempting with fires – from such unions at many turns the head. And Grositski also became friends with the senior companions according to "Legiya" who liked to arrange parties, to drink and hang in a casino in "Polonium" hotel. Kamil was fond of gamblings still in 17, in Szczecin – and after a stable salary in "Legiya" they became for it meaning of the life.

Groshik became the constant guest of a casino, and "Polonium" became for it a favourite place. It conceived a liking to go there one, without companions – came closer by midnight, and fell out from there since morning, on the eve of training. Usually – having lost all money which took with itself. Kamil could not stop – when he lost in a roulette, he looked how play others. And then, pocket-eyed, came on "Legiya's" trainings where was like a dish-towel.
Gamblings devoured with br Grositsky's life – it borrowed money at "Legiya's" other football players, looked for new pretexts, again played. And again lost. Kamil could lower in "Polonius" a salary in three months – and next day went hungry, could not find two zloties for journey. At some instant Groshik's debts made 300 thousand zloties, and then in "Legiya" decided that a salary will list not Kamila, and that to whom it ran into debt. And once he received on hands of 30 zloties coins, and then went to the nearest shop and exchanged them for notes because coins were similar to counters in a casino – then Groshik understood that finally flied from coils. "All like the risk and tension moments, but I lost control over myself, – Grositski repented. – I lost all money, to the last zloty, and I do not want to walk the streets where there is a casino …".

It simply game. The football player who "Legiya" remained in Ronaldinho's shadow

sent it to the center of fight against drug addiction to Hawaii. Grositski's local beaches did not estimate – he was locked up with thirty alcoholics, addicts and players. Everyone told about the problems – one drank spirits, another smelled glue. And Kamil honestly spoke about game dependence. It spent 33 days on courses. Fed him from square plates – that round did not remind about game in a roulette. "At some instant I told myself: "The bitch, what you here do? ! ". And after return to Warsaw made a detailed plan of life, up to a minute – to satisfy debts, to buy the apartment and the car, to win a place as a part of "Legiya", to win the championship of Poland. Even cleaning in the house caused pleasure after sitting locked up with addicts", – remembers that period of life of Grositski.

Games were not Kamil's only passion. In "Legiya" for young football players Jan Urban's assistant, Jacek Magera looked. Once Urban and Magera arrived to the airport to depart to Szczecin on a match of veterans, and met Grositsky – he too waited for flight.

– And why you here? Again you go on a party? Immediately come back home, – Magera told.

Kamil politely apologized before Jacek, promised that on days off will be at home. Went to an exit from the airport. What Urban and Magera's surprise when they came after a veteran match to pub was – there with friends Grositski sat, holding a glass of beer in hand. To Szczecin it arrived the following flight after the trainers.
In February of the 2008th in "Legiya" Grositsky's whims ceased to suffer br. Sent to rent in Swiss "Syon" – to re-education. Kamil got rid of game dependence, but the rest was to him on a drum. It several times was late for training (all anything and only there lived Grositski in the stadium territory), and then provoked two accidents, without having the driving license. "Syon's" guide tried to establish relation with Kamil, but it is vain – he refused the lessons of French arranged with club. Pier, expensively.

Then Swisses decided to play a dirty trick on Grositsky who played a little, but constantly was stuck in any troubles. It caused in an office of heads, palmed off any paper in French. Told – or you sign, or will not play. Grositski did not think that to what, did not begin to call Baking and signed the document. And then him congratulated – there it was registered that Groshik refuses all salary in "Syona". Kamil understood that him threw, and in Switzerland any more did not play – sometimes trained with a double, but worked with a ball together with the father in city park of Szczecin more often. The place in "Legiya" for Grositsky too was not.
In February of the 2009th in "Legiya" called from Bialystok, and this call was decisive in Groshik's life – on other end of a wire there was Tsezary Kulesha, the clown owning "Yagelloniya". In 1990th it danced in beat the disco polo – the local pop-music which has become a logo of Poland. Its Green Star project became popular, presented Kuleshe million sales of cartridges, and in Bialystok to such music listen and to this day. Tsezary solved – where if not in the small city where many know each other, such guy again can blossom?

Having issued Grositsky's rent and having waited for his arrival to "Yagelloniya", Kulesh decided to celebrate this event.
– That you will drink br? – asked the disco baron. – Vodka with sprite, please, – Grositski sincerely answered it.
Kamil was fallen in love by br to fans of "Yagi" and quickly convinced the trainer Michal Probezha of the necessity, and Kulesha became the Big Brother watching the player everywhere. It controlled the city and always knew from the sources who from football players spent night of the house, and who in a disco. Reached to the point of absurdity – once Grositski came into a drugstore to buy condoms, and ten minutes later him Kulesha called: "So, and why to you they? ». Kamil was struck – from where the president knew, why to it it is necessary in a drugstore?

But sometimes the demons who were falling asleep in Kamil, woke up with a new force. Somehow Groshik went to walk across night Bialystok together with the trainer of "Yagi" Dariusz Chiker, one more fan of binge. The route was simple – at first a pizzeria "Dalmatia", then alcohol, then a campaign in a casino where Grositski did not drop in one and a half years. Kulesha – on that and the Big Brother – learned from sources where Kamil sits, pulled out from a casino and started beating in the center of the night city. Blow to the person – and cry from the heart on all street: "It is a shame to me with you, Kamil! ".

some months when "Yagelloniya" already redeemed Grositsky's contract, Later Michal Probezh asked Kulesha to come to training – the trainer was sure that Kamil takes recently drug. Fears were not confirmed – Groshik "only" drank. On the eve of occupation it all night long walked with Vaan Gevorgyan on the center of Bialystok and sang the fan song: "Яга" never will fall". Well also drank beer too. And then there was that history to training which Grositski overslept, and arrival of Probezha. But Kamil's all trick stayed behind scenes – it was more important that in the field he tore all. Scouts – let and not from "Aston Willa" – even more often began to visit "Yagelloniya's" matches. Bakingly advised the player to go step by step, not to seek to gain at once height – therefore in the winter the 2011th Kamil chose Turkish "Sivasspor".

One of Groshik's main memories of Turkey is a start of the first full-fledged season in Turkey. On the eve of starting game in the field there was a shaman with a ram, pulled out a knife and killed it, and then ordered to dip to everyone fingers in mutton blood. That injuries avoided. The local exulted, and Kamil turned away from the man when it only got a knife. On a request to put fingers in blood told – no, thanks, such miracles I do not recognize.
Soon he waited br when to Turkey there will arrive its Dominica, in advance chose in jewelry store a ring with a brilliant and waited while the girl will reach the bridge. There hardly was at loss for words, tried three times to start speaking, and then got a ring – instead of one thousand words. A wedding celebrated in November of the 2011th, and among guests was Polish the disco group. Tsezary Kulesha persuaded is and there was his gift to Kamil with Dominica.

Groshik won back br in Turkey three years – yet there was no half a year before the contract termination. He wanted to leave "Sivasspor" the free agent, and Roberto Carlos, the trainer of "men of courage", took offense and put the Pole in a stock. Though he was the favourite of fans in Sivas though its surname constantly chanted at local stadium – well and what? Bakingly quickly oriented, on a tag of a winter window-2014 found option with "Rennes", attached the client there, but it was necessary to deliver urgently to France the transfer certificate. Then Mariusz rented the private plane by which Kamil departed to Turkey behind the one and only piece of paper. The question price – 100 thousand zloties. "Round any passenger, only I, to me serve champagne. In such conditions always to travel", – with a grin Grositski remembers.

Groshik arrived To France the ripened man. In the field it became local Ole-Gunnar Sulscher
whom the trainer of "Rennes" Philip Montanye used as a joker, and beyond his limits – the excellent husband and the father: it brought up the son Marcel from other union of Dominica, and in the 2012th they gave birth to the daughter. Named Maya. Then it at last estimated in Poland national team – in the Shot it was caused still by Leo Benkhakker, but only Adam Navalka trusted in Grositsky on a constant basis, having made him the player of a basis instead of Yaqub Blashchikovsky's . Kamil played so that Navalke was necessary even to rearrange him on the flank – that "white eagles" could count both on Cuba, and on Groshik.
Video. 1:4 Grositski ("Rennes") reduces a gap in the account
Online match translation "Rennes" — "Nice"

That remained from antecedents of Groshik, with square plates and terrible debts? Only conversations with the psychologist – they communicated earlier on three times a week, now reduced sessions to two in a month. And, well and status of soul of the company too. Sometimes Kamil dares to have fun – for example, to go outside in Borat's suit, with false moustaches, in a wig and body stockings. And on the 26th birthday of Grositski arranged in the house in Szczecin a party with a beach for which brought some dump trucks with sand, the pool, the DJ and fireworks. It was so noisy that the police had to visit on a visit. Kamil politely apologized before the police officer, told that will surely lower a sound.

And, of course, continued to come off with friends till the morning.

there is a suspicion, what after all adversities Groshik will break away on the future Euro …

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Gevorgyan Vaan
John Travolta
Птак Антони
Pekarsky Mariush
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