With the Russian song across Slovakia

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Soloists of theater of the song " Entertainment " from Ulyanovsk subdued in May days of listeners of the brotherly Slavic country.

This staff of the Centralized club system of the city went to Slovakia thanks to the Russian fund of culture at the initiative of Management of culture and the organization of leisure of the population of administration of Ulyanovsk.

Theater of the song " Entertainment " — youth , fervent. Tatyana Rudneva, Evgenia Lebedeva, Leyla Dmitriyeva and Ekaterina Zhvankova execute both national Russian songs, and variety, but the singing approached on a manner to the national.

Girls, according to Tatyana Rudneva, music, folklore and aspiration to carry on national song traditions united. They together sang in " Spindle " ensemble of School of traditional national culture of Ulyanovsk. Three young actresses were engaged at this School since small years, graduated from it, and Tatyana Rudneva came to it to work already as the teacher.

As she tells, the hobby for folklore and joint occupations caused desire to experiment, and in 2012 the idea to create the collective was born. In such quality and quantity they work the fourth year.

During this time the audience managed to fall in love "with the Entertainment ". Collective invite to act in the city and suburbs, regions of area, on big and small platforms, for holidays and festivals. And girls anything do not refuse.

For them it is important to keep and transfer national traditions and ceremonies. And not only through performances before public. Each of girls has children's collectives with which they work. But hardly to keep tradition in conditions when national singing consigns to the past under the pressure of mass culture.

— Unfortunately — Tatyana complains — the large number of children in the course of training is eliminated. Do not understand! Paradox, but the children are brought quite often to us by the Tatar families which like the Russian songs, and they are engaged in it for many years.

In Slovakia the theater of the song " Entertainment " gave four full-fledged concerts. The first took place on May 11 in the Center of the Russian culture and science in Bratislava. Next day girls sang in the Bratislava business center "AirCraft ". Then participated in the City Day in the Chalet. The concert on the open area in the hill territory Slavin in Bratislava which took place on May 14 became finishing. This sacred for Russia and Slovakia a place. Here the Soviet soldiers who were lost during bloody fights of 1945 are buried. On a mass grave the monument is established.

On questions as them accepted in Slovakia and than the Slovak public differs from our public, Evgenia Lebedeva answers:

— Very warmly! Us invited again to arrive to this country with concerts. As for a difference: at Russians at once on a face it is written, they like our singing or not, the Slovak audience is more reserved. They actively showed the kind attitude towards us after concerts. Told enthusiastic words, asked to be photographed together, were interested where it is possible to get disks with our records. After hour concerts at us on an hour left on communication with the audience. Touched that in the city Playing pranks when during a concert the terrible heavy rain went, many remained, having taken cover under a canopy, and fought to the bitter end. Even the woman with a carriage did not leave, having covered the child with a film. And especially well children perceived us. They with pleasure danced under our singing.

As it became clear, the senior generation of Slovaks well speaks Russian. They approached to our actresses and said that are glad to communication in Russian after a 20-year break.

During one of such obshcheniye there was a touching meeting with the elderly woman.

— It was presented by Ania Klochkova — Leyla Dmitriyeva tells. — In the course of conversation it became clear that 36 years ago as a part of group of actors from Slovakia Ania was in Ulyanovsk and acted in a concert in the Palace of pioneers. It was then 22 years old. Ulyanovsk and residents of Ulyanovsk with whom it communicated, very much were pleasant to it. Ania asked to find those people who remember arrival and performance of Slovaks in Ulyanovsk. For them it gave with us gifts and photos from that concert and even saw off us at the airport. When we returned to Ulyanovsk, I visited the Palace of pioneers which is called now as the Palace of creativity of children and youth. There to me advised to address to one of his oldest workers. Unfortunately, it now on "sick-list". Let's wait for its return, together we will find out all this history and we will surely report to Ania about results of our searches …

Tours in Slovakia became good incentive for collective.

— Let's develop further the creativity — share plans of the girl.

Rudneva Tatyana
Lebedeva Eugenia
Dmitriev Leila
Zhvankova Catherina
Klochkova  Anna