China builds the nuclear power plant worldwide. Experts warn about risks

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China builds the nuclear power plant worldwide. Experts warn about risks

Desire of China negatively become the main player in nuclear power of a planet can be reflected in reliability and safety of the nuclear objects built by the Chinese power engineering specialists on all continents.

Beijing intends to turn all planet into huge building. Chinese build everywhere, build everything. Including objects of nuclear power for which along with quality not reliability questions have smaller value also.

In the Chinese government want to come out on top and by number of the constructed nuclear power plants. However, as experts specify, in nuclear power such approach can negatively be reflected in reliability of constructed facilities.

About these risks again exorcized after it became known that the power giant intends to construct from the People's Republic of China China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) to Sudan the first nuclear power plant. About signing on Monday of the framework agreement on construction of the nuclear power plant first in this African country "Xinhua" reported.

In Sudan hope to solve the power problem which in many respects is slowing down development of Sudanese economy, by means of atomic energy and partners from far China. However there is one problem which, according to the Spiegel magazine, can cross out all pluses of the project.

Chinese will mount own, Chinese Hualun-1 reactors (the Chinese dragon) at station. According to the director of CNNC Put Qin, for a gain of the market of nuclear power Heavenly Empire wants to finish by 2025 annual sale of Hualun-1 reactors to other countries to 30. Except Sudan, the Chinese power engineering specialists already signed agreements on delivery of these reactors to such countries, as Romania, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Kenya. And, Chinese install Hualun-1 reactors not only in developing countries. It is enough to tell that for one more large Chinese energy company China General Nuclear Power Corporation is available, reports "Xinhua", the arrangement on assembling of the Chinese reactors even in Great Britain, on the nuclear power plant in Braduelle, the County of Essex.

However so vigorous building of nuclear objects, according to experts, can lead to decrease in their reliability, notes Spiegel with reference to one of authoritative experts.

"Dangerously to build it is a lot of reactors in such small period, - German Anthony Froggat's magazine, the expert of the London analytical center Chatham House quotes. - It can lead to mistakes and safety measures violation of the rules".

Despite fears of experts, in Sudan are looked forward by the beginnings of construction of the nuclear power plant. The agreement was signed by the Minister of Finance and economic planning of Sudan Badr-Eddin Mahmoud. He considers that the project opens the new page in the history of cooperation of two countries. From the Chinese party the agreement on construction of the nuclear power plant was signed by the director of Energy division of the People's Republic of China Nur Bekri who has arrived to Khartoum with three-day visit for discussion of questions of expansion of cooperation in the economic sphere.

Two weeks ago in Doha where there took place the 7th Conference on cooperation between China and the Arab countries, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Wang And met the Sudanese colleague Ibrahim Gandur. Except political affairs on which the parties reached full consensus, questions of expansion and deepening of economic cooperation were discussed also. It received a strong push after working visit of the president of Sudan Omar Bashir to Beijing in September, 2015.

the Energy sector continues to remain most "advanced" in the relations between Beijing and Khartoum. However, before signing of the agreement on nuclear power plant construction cooperation was generally limited to oil industry. The Chinese companies, Reuters reports, build in Sudan some oil refineries and pipelines.

Van I
Main activity:Politician
Ibrahim Gandur
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Sudan)
Tsin Sun