Kerzhakov scored a goal in Mitryushkin's gate in a match of the championship of Switzerland
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The forward of "Zurich" Alexander Kerzhakov , not caused in Russian national team for Euro-2016, was marked out by the next goal in the championship of Switzerland. It is remarkable that the 33-year-old Russian hammered a ball into gate of the compatriot Anton Mitryushkin who protects Syona colors. The meeting came to the end with the score 2:2. This goal became for Kerzhakov the seventh as a part of "Zurich".

1:2, Kerzhakov FCZ 💙 %23fcz %23fczürich %23fcsion %23alexanderkerzhakov

Video is published by FC Zürich (@ _fcz1896 _) May 22 2016 in 8:17 PDT

Aleksandr Kerzhakov
Main activity:Official
Антон Владимирович Митрюшкин
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Syon")
Football club "Zurich"
Main activity:Culture and sports