The national oil corporation in Tripoli cancels export deliveries
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According to agency Reuters, the National Oil Corporation (NOC) which is based in Tripoli, declared on May 12 that removed two supply of oil from the May export program because the NOC in the east blocks these shipments from Mars-el-Hariga.

Mohamed el-Jarari, the press secretary of NOC in Tripoli, told in the statement that this opposition costs Libya $10 million a day and that about $120 million

were already lost

Let's remind that NOC in Benghazi which loyally treats east part of the government of Libya, tried to carry out last month the first export supply of oil, but the tanker was brought in a black list of the United Nations and compelled to return back.

Because of political dispute, oil production fell in Libya to 200000 barrels per day whereas before Muammar Gaddafi's overthrow in 2011 the country made 1,6 million barrels per day.

Dispute concerning export of oil is part of broader race for power between the Libyan groups.