Yury Bykov: in a match with "Zenith" we will aspire only to a victory

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Tomorrow at 18:30 Bryansk "Dynamo" will play a house match against football club "Zenit" from the city of Penza. After an unfavourable series from six in a row defeats our team sets for itself one task: to win at any cost. Certainly, it will be difficult. As a part of some injured players, and the new trainer yet very well knows possibilities of football players.

"Zenith" has no visible problems. The team goes on the fourth place, having in an asset 32 points. The statistics of the Penza team this year cannot but please fans of "Dynamo": two victories of the house, but are also two defeats on departure from not the strongest teams. "Chertanovo" beat "Zenith" with the score 1:0, and "Kaluga" got the best with the score 3:1.

Before this game the correspondent of Sport-32 interviewed the head coach of "Dynamo" Yury Bykov. The full version of conversation will appear on our site in the evening on May 4th, and now we bring to your attention Yury Aleksandrovich's pre-game comment:

– How affairs with health of football players before a match are?

– There are some injured players, the majority of them – defenders: Sychev, Zaytsev, Gavrilov will not be able to take part in game. Gavrilov did not need to be put on last match with "Tambov" where it only aggravated the trauma. In a stock there is one youth which while cannot be thrown into fight. They have to play is dosed, not on two whole times.

– What with Fomichev why he did not play in Tambov?

– With its health everything is all right, he trains, and last match passed because of search of yellow cards.

– Already decided on structure on game?

– Certainly, because of injuries the choice is insignificant. With "Zenith" will play practically the same structure, as in Tambov, at most I will make one-two replacements.

– You a sort from the Penza region. For you game with "Zenith" will be basic or ordinary?

– Each trainer the extremist also wants to win in all matches. Basic it will not be, but we will aspire only to a victory. As the extremist, I want to win a victory in the house match first for and I demand from players of good result.
