SSEI REU of G. V. Plekhanov opens chair branch on the basis of JSC NPP Almaz
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At the REU Saratov social and economic institute of G. V. Plekhanov solemn signing of the contract on creation of high school branch of chair in Joint-stock company "Scientific and production enterprise "

took place



The branch is created for practical training of all being trained at Institute on educational programs of the direction of preparation "by Management ". In chair plans – providing all types and types the practician, involvement of leading experts of the enterprise to pedagogical work in SSEI, carrying out the praktiko-focused occupations, round tables and master classes. Occupations will take place both on the basis of Institute, and on the basis of the enterprise, with use of the most modern educational and information technologies.

In the performance the director of SSEI REU of G. V. Plekhanov, d.i.n. professor Sergey Naumov noted relevance of opening of branch in JSC NPP Almaz : Uroven teoreticheskoy podgotovki v vuze ochen seryezny, no pri etom, kolossalnoye znacheniye my pridayem prakticheskoy tsennosti znany. Studentam neobkhodimo priobretat spetsialnye navyki neposredstvenno na mestakh, v usloviyakh maksimalno priblizhennykh k realnoy rabote. NPP Almaz -davny, seryezny i nadezhny partner Ekonomicheskogo instituta. Uveren, chto podpisaniye nastoyashchego dogovora pridast horoshy impuls dlya razvitiya effektivnogo sotrudnichestva s odnim iz vedushchikh flagmanov nauchno-proizvodstvennoy sfery, voyenno-promyshlennogo klastera i blagopriyatno povliyaet, v tom chisle, na ekonomicheskoye razvitiye Saratovskoy oblasti.

Director general of JSC Nikolay Bushuyev Is Sure by NPP Almaz that mnogoletnee sotrudnichestvo VUZA i predpriyatiya na dannom etape obretayet novye impulsy-rabota kafedry pozvolit obuchit vypusknikov tem kompetentsiyam, kotorye seychas osobenno nuzhny v sfere realnogo proizvodstva. Eto protsess vzaimovygodny-chem tesnee sotrudnichestvo, tem vyshe otdacha.

The head of the department of management of SSEI REU of G. V. Plekhanov, Dr.Econ.Sci., professor Alexander Gugelev considers that "modern state educational standards demand strengthening of a practical orientation of educational process and attraction to active participation of experts experts. Introduction this year of the new version of the standard on management establishes requirements to a bachelor degree applied. The graduate who has had training in the direction and a profile of management, has to possess not only strong knowledge of administrative disciplines, but also the professional competences necessary for successful activity. Therefore specialists of the enterprise, ready to share experience will be involved in educational process, to become mentors for graduates. Certainly, close interaction with such conventional leader of the knowledge-intensive production as "NPP Almaz , becomes important part of our work".
