The city hall Yekaterinburg provokes personnel "cleaning" in the large power company

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Lobbyists of "The gray house" want to return over cash flows before elections

Maria of Kutepova© Russian information company "URA.Ru"
Sign of an emergency stop. Yekaterinburg, administration of Yekaterinburg "The gray house" tries to return to former financial model the Photo: Zhabrikov Vladimir © Russian information company "URA.Ru"

B key for economy of Ural Federal District the companies — Open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Urala" — personnel shifts. The chief is appointed to a new strategic position Department of the Federal security service of the Russian Federation on Chelyabinsk region. It is a new stage of strengthening of security officers who considerably gain weight in JSC INSURANCE COMPANY "INTERREGIONAL GRID DISTRIBUTION COMPANY" and change old rules. Participants of the market wait rotation of the management and in JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "YEESK", one of the most influential structures of the capital of Ural Federal District because of which there was a big quarrel between the governor and the city hall Yekaterinburg. , however, can destroy the former status of EESK, having lightened mood to city officials. Everything that is hidden — in the material Russian information company "URA.Ru".

In the largest network company — Open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Urala" — a new stage of formation of team. After Rodina Valeria the parent company of network structure — PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSETI" — changed model of corporate governance from a position of the general director Ural "daughter" twice. For example, the position of the first deputy general director on and to corporate governance and the deputy general director on safety was liquidated. But then these positions returned, and "the power block" started strengthening.

At the general director Open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Urala" two new deputies — on safety and communications with state agencies — are natives from FSBFOTO: Mamaev Alexander © Russian information company "URA.Ru"

last week at the director general Sergei Dregval appeared the deputy on communications with public authorities according to strategic programs and projects. Alexander Krivyakov which came to the company in 2014 became him Krivyakov Alexander got a job in power structure after completion of career in security service. Before he headed some years Department of the Federal security service of the Russian Federation on Chelyabinsk region.

Krivyakov Alexander was appointed the deputy general director Open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Urala" on safety, quickly achieved strengthening of the under control block and brought into the company of the people. His protege Kuznetsov Sergei now combines a post of the deputy general director on safety with a position of the chief of specialized department.

"We observe

strengthening of the power block in parallel with toughening of all corporate processes in Open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Urala". In one and a half years regulations on changed, in subsidiaries "shook up" the divisions which are responsible for economy and investment activity. In general the task of toughening behind all enterprises entering a contour of the company, was directly put by shareholders before the general director Sergei Dregval" — the interlocutor close to the interregional network company speaks.

"The Ekaterinburg electric grid company" (EESK, is included into Open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Urala") which became in due time the intensity reason between the regional authorities and PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSETI" appeared

the Key asset in this history JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "YEESK" conducted election campaigns. In 2013 the governor Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev came for negotiations with chapter PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSETI" Oleg Mikhaylovich Budargin.

as a result in EESK took place not only management change, but also large-scale personnel "cleaning".

Invariable still had, perhaps, only the technical block. In the major division tops from Open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Urala" were "thrown": main "bezopasnik" Myasnikov Eugenie started supervising specialized department, and the deputy general director Youri Petrovich Shevelev became the head of EESK. "It was the compromise figure which would suit all and from the point of view of professional level and as the person, equidistant from political camps" — the insider explains to the logician of process.

They say that fight for over EESK extremely negatively is perceived by Moscow. Intervention attempt in others business goes beyond political torgafoto — EESK press service Sources of agency announce the heads who are not arranging the city hall. Among them the head of EESK Youri Petrovich Shevelev and his deputy supervising investment activity, Starinsky Ruslan. according to one of interlocutors, the question of Starinsky Ruslan can be initiated after May holidays.

On the personnel direction involved all lobbist resource of the city hall. It and the native from Open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Urala" Semerikov Sergei, which left from Yekaterinburg for increase in PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSETI". It proved to be as the highly effective manager who very well knows "local cuisine". But it here happened for political reasons therefore again to interfere with opposition and it would be precipitate to risk career.

Therefore the city hall prepares for

information campaign on Open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Urala" and to its subsidiary. And negotiators from "the Grey House" "sell out" concessions through JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GROUP OF COMPANIES "RENOVA" Viktor Vekselberg . He is a minority shareholder Open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Urala", and interests of his business empire are now closely connected with other power project in Yekaterinburg — consolidation of generating and heatnetwork assets on base PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "T PLUS". Into the new company has to enter Municipal unitary enterprise "Yekaterinburgenergo", but because of enterprise debts consolidation started slipping.

Sources of agency say that now the parties discuss "package agreements" in which, besides financial questions, the personnel blab out. whether

the parties will be able to agree — it becomes clear within the next months. However, it is not excluded that during this time attempts "to bring" the people on EESK in general will stop. After toughening of corporate procedures of former freedom on work with "investment which" did not become. EESK remained repair and other technical requirements, but globally the center of decision-making for connections, large works was displaced. And if EESK any more does not define whom and when to connect — it is already uninteresting asset. Thus Sverdlovenergo influence — the largest and strong company grows in structure Open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Urala". "It would be logical to fight for it. But it already would be too" — the interlocutor of agency summarizes.