30 years of the Chernobyl tragedy

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On April 26 on Memorialnaya Square in Konstantinovsk the meeting devoted to the next anniversary of accident on the Chernobyl NPP took place.

Opening meeting, the head of administration of the Konstantinovsky area V.E.Kalmykov expressed huge gratitude to our fellow countrymen who had to participate in elimination of consequences of Chernobyl accident. More than 150 people from our area assumed blow, having risen in ranks of many thousands army of Chernobyl veterans which the price the lives and health saved the native earth from big trouble.

- Thanks to courage and heroism of these people, - V.E.Kalmykov noted, - scales of accident were reduced several times. And we admire a feat of our fellow countrymen, with self-sacrifice fulfilled the civic duty.

On this meeting Chernobyl veterans go families. Their relatives as nobody else, know about accident consequences, and 30 years of the wife share the burdens connected with their reeled health and heavy memoirs with the husbands. Fifty people already are not present in the ranks of our Chernobyl veterans, but for their relatives this day remains date of the personal tragedy which has shared lot on before and after.

- 30 years flew by, - told, speaking at meeting, N.N.Gorin, the vice-chairman of social movement "Chernobyl Union" in the Konstantinovsky area. - Wounds do not heal. And less and less those who in a system. Also I want to address: continue our business. If that happens, without reflecting, go to protect.

Participants of meeting observed a minute of silence in memory of the lost Chernobyl veterans and assigned flowers to a memorial.