Department of the Federal migration service on Omsk region took part in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "World Bridges"
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On the basis of the Regional center for public relations and Omsk state regional scientific library of A.S. Pushkin the All-Russian scientific and practical conference " world Bridges " took place. This action was organized by Omsk regional office of the All-Russian public organization " the Russian committee of a defense of peace " and ROSSIYSKY NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOV. IN-T cultural and natural heritage of D. S. Likhachev within the socially significant project " Together on one earth: ethnocultural diversity and the international world in the territory Omsk region ".

With greetings to participants of conference acted: director of Omsk branch IAET HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY, d.i.n. professor Tomilov N.A.; deputy chief of Head department of domestic policy Omsk region Dernov S.L.; the deputy Town Council of Omsk Sokin A.A., the secretary of Civic chamber Omsk region Gerasimov L.P., the vice rector for scientific work FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "OMGU NAMED AFTER F. M. DOSTOYEVSKOGO", OMGU NAMED AFTER F. M. DOSTOYEVSKOGO, OMGU, f. - m of sciences, S. V. Belim. The chairman of Province of Oro Yeremenko V.I. acquainted JSC Rossiysky komitet zashchity mira gathered with the message of Institute of the world of UNESCO and explained why conference was called " by world Bridges ". The leading researcher of ROSSIYSKY NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOV. IN-T cultural and natural heritage of D. S. Likhachev Bespalov T.V. transferred a greeting from the Moscow colleagues.

After plenary session work of conference was continued on five dialogue platforms: " Activities of youth movements for formation of a civil consent in regions ", " Patriotic education in educational space of regions ", " Management of international and interfaith processes in the Russian regions ", " the Role of mass media in society harmonization ", " Social initiatives as a way of formation of civil society ".

" Social initiatives as the way of formation of civil society " took part in work of a dialogue platform No. 5 the head of department of the analysis, planning and control of Department of the Federal migration service on Omsk region Urusov Alexander, having made the report " Adaptation of compatriots to Omsk region ".

Also members of Civic chamber took active part in work on different dialogue platforms of conference Omsk region. So the chairman of the commission on questions of culture, spiritual and moral development and the national relations Zhigunov M.A. made the report " Interethnic marriages of Russians and Ukrainians Omsk region ", and the chairman of the commission on questions of development of science, education A.A. Solovyov told about preparation and the edition of the book " is Three hundred years old of peace and harmony on the earth Omsk Omsk region ".