Teachers have to pay more attention to interaction with a family of the pupil - opinion

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on April 22, BELTA/Minsk/correspondent. Teachers have to pay more attention to interaction with a family of the pupil. The rector of the Brest state university of A.S.Pushkin professor, the doctor of pedagogical sciences Anna Sender shared such opinion with the correspondent of BELTA, making comments on the Message of the President to the Belarusian people and National assembly.

Anna Sender supported thought of the President that teachers have to pay more attention to interaction with a family of the pupil. On it it is necessary to focus attention of future teachers on a stage of their university preparation, it considers.

At the Brest university in the program of training of future teachers there is a special course "Bases of interaction of school and a family". The scientific and methodical center "Shkola-semya" in which classes with deputy directors for educational work concerning interaction with a family are given is created only in the country, educational and methodical grants for parents and class teachers concerning the correct education of children, including with features of psychophysical development are published.

the President in the Message also brought up a question of rejuvenation of shots. According to Anna Sender, this thought is conformable with that personnel policy which is realized at university of Pushkin. In particular, here from 10 deans - 6 aged till 45 years, and from 5 vice rectors - 4 aged till 40 years.


as a whole, telling about system of the Belarusian higher education, Anna Sender noted that her advantage is in fundamental nature and a praktikooriyentirovannost that consists in profound training of the student in the direction chosen by it and a professional orientation of training. Spiritual and moral development, education of the personality, the citizen, the patriot that is possible not only thanks to teaching of humanitarian disciplines, but also realization of all system of educational work at university is not less important.