Danny was complied by team

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Sergey Podushkin

Russian Cup. " Amkar " — " the Zenith " — 1:1 (3:4). Yury Lodygin holds blow. www.fc-zenit.ru PHOTO

The most difficult victory on a penalty in Perm for the first time in six years removed " the Zenith " in a country cup-final in which on May 2 at 16.00 in Kazan Petersburgers are waited by a meeting with CSKA. And on Sunday at 19.30 (translation on " TV Match ") in Rostov-on-Don Zenit members will play against " of Rostov ", the leader of a premier league. To win Kurban Berdyev's team, it is necessary to hammer with it, and the task is very daunting.

Amazing coincidence – in April of the 2010th, only not the 20th as this week, and the 21st " the Zenith " in the Cup semi-final "Amkar " on its field in a series of the eleven-meter also beat . The next success of "blue-white-blue" cannot but please though soccer at stadium " the Star " they showed far not ideal . But the main thing achieved – reached the final. In many respects thanks to goalkeepers – Mikhail Kerzhakov perfectly looked in the basic and an extra time, and Yury Lodygin who has appeared in the field last minute of a meeting, reflected two after match penalties.

Certainly, only lazy André Villache-Boacha in connection with such course did not remember a World Cup-2014 quarterfinal Holland – Costa Rica when the mentor "orange" Louis van Gal "under a penalty" let out the goalkeeper Tim Krul and did not lose. André did not lose also, and Lodygin once again showed the skill at reflection of the eleven-meter. The second was especially good its seyv – after Nikolay Zaytsev's quite good blow Yury finger-tips got a ball in a corner, that flew away in a bar and jumped aside in the field. And Xavi Garcia who has hammered into the main time, surely put the victorious end to a match.

The main hero of an after match series praised the colleague goalkeeper. " From the goalkeeper point of view has to tell that in this victory and that we reached a penalty series, Mischa Kerzhakov's huge merit. The moments dangerous at our gate was much. Mischa very well played, helped out. Played an excellent match ", – Lodygin noted. "Concerning replacement of the goalkeeper we were determined by a meeting course. Thus no claims to Kerzhakov can be, but eleven-meter – one of strengths of Lodygin. It helped us with it in the Supercup, on Atlantic Cup, in a match with " Krylja Sovetov ". Therefore we decided to risk", – explained the course Villash-Boash. And, as well as all team, devoted Danny's victory.

The captain "Zenith " already declared that the third (the first two occurred in the 2009th and in the 2012th) the rupture of a forward crucial ligament of the right knee became for it shock, but it will find forces to be restored and in most short time to return to a system. Though with such trauma even at the most optimistical deal restoration will take about eight months so this year Danny we in "the Zenith ", most likely, any more will not see . Yesterday the captain had to operate in one of the Portuguese clinics.

In a cup-final Zenit members will meet the immemorial opponent of CSKA, easily and easy understood with " Krasnodar ". So both main applicants for a champion's title are on an equal footing, will play until the end of a season identical number of games – on seven. However, you should not forget and about the sensational leader of a premier league. "Rostov for six rounds before the termination of the championship advances soldiers and Zenit members on one and two points, respectively. It seems no distance, and it seems – catch up. Or at least unpack gate. Last time the forward was successful in such feat on November 30 on the 90th minute of a match " of Krasnodar " to Vanderson, and since then Kurban Berdyev's team played on zero seven matches in a row (five victories and two draw).

Anyway indicators " of Rostov " not simply good, but remarkable. And, by the way, in spring part of a season the Rostov team as well as " the Zenith ", achieved victories over CSKA and " Spartak ". Most likely, Zenit members will go on departure not only without Danny, but also without Mauricio. Yury Zhirkov not flying to Perm, apparently, is in good health – to him simply allowed to have a rest. And other football players of team are not waited in the next few days by exhausting trainings – after day off on Thursday, on Friday – Saturday football players will be restored in a sparing mode.

Soccer. Russian Cup.


" Amkar " – " the Zenith " – 1:1 (1:1, additional BP. – 0:0, on foams. 3:4)

Goals: 1:0 – to Idov, 19; 1:1 – Xavi Garcia, 41.

Penalty series: 0:0 – Peev (by); 0:1 – Hulk; 0:1 Shalaev (goalkeeper); 0:1 – Garay (crossbeam); 1:1 – Ogude; 1:1 – Dzyuba (goalkeeper). 2:1 – Selikhov; 2:2 – Vitsel; 3:2 – Prudnikov; 3:3 – Krishito; 3:3 – Zaytsev (goalkeeper); 3:4 – Xavi Garcia.

" Amkar ": Selikhov, to Idov, Belorukov, Hares, Zanev, Komolov (Dzhikiya, 105), Balanovich, Ogude, Goal (Shavayev, 100), Prudnikov, to Anena (Peev, 67).

" Zenith ": Kerzhakov (Lodygin, 120), Smolnikov, Garay, No, Krishito, Hulk, Yusupov, Xavi Garcia, Vitsel, Shatov, Kokorin (Dzyuba, 72).

Are warned : Kokorin (32); Yusupov (58); Belorukov (62); Garay (73); Selikhov (87); Zanev (102); Ogude (111); Dzyuba (120).

April 20. Perm. Stadium " Star ". 15 660 viewers. Judge Fedotov (Moscow).

CSKA – " Krasnodar " – 3:1.

Goals: 1:0 Golovin (35); 2:0 Golovin (40); 3:0 Dzagoyev (46); 3:1 Sigurdsson (73); 4587 .


Due to the participation "Zenith " in a cup-final of Russia the house match of the Petersburg team of the 26th round of a premier league against " of Kuban " at stadium " Petrovsky " is postponed since April 30 for April 28. Game will begin at 19.00, sale of tickets for it (the minimum cost – 850 rubles, maximum – 2900) is open. Since April 30 for April 28 "will move" also a match " Ural " – CSKA.

The goalkeeper on replacement


André Villache-Boache far not the first trainer, before a penalty series replaced the goalkeeper. Today all remember the freshest case from Louis van Galem on the last WC in Brazil, but our domestic trainers actively used this technique in 1973 when in the USSR championship after each draw after match penalties were appointed.

Here only not always trainers trust in the feelings and then can be sorry about it. So, the former mentor of English national team Bobbie Robson remembered that during a semi-final against Germans on the FIFA World Cup-1990 he deliberated replacing Peter Shilton with Chris Wood, but did not begin to do it. As a result Shilton did not return any ball, and the final was reached by the Germans who have won then the championship. The history at Guus Hiddink, being going to send to a series of after match penalty kicks in the qualification game ChM-2006 Australia – Uruguay was even more amusing than Zhelko Kalacha instead of Mark Schwarzer. Only when training the national team of the Green continent the Dutch was going to do castling of goalkeepers, it became clear that three replacements put on regulations already took place.

The coach of Nigerian club " of Enyimba " Felix Emordi managed to turn successful replacement of the goalkeeper by a penalty series twice. Tunisian "bits, respectively, in a semi-final and the final of the African Champions League-2004 according to the identical scenario were Etoil du Sakhel " and " of Esperans ": instead of Vincent Enyama there was Dele Ayenugba and became the hero of the major matches. Some years later the main goalkeeper of the national team of Nigeria Enyama told: "I do not know Ya why the trainer so arrived, we had no preliminary arrangement, but it worked " twice. One of the most striking examples of the last decade happened in the Cup of Germany in 2007. Hans Mayer training " Nuremberg ", let out on a penalty series against " of Uniyerkhakhinga " and " of Hanover " the goalkeeper Daniel Klever twice, and thanks to it Bavarians reached the tournament final.

In all these cases of replacement took place before after match series, and in 1998 the helmsman of that time " of Milan " Alberto Dzaqueroni in a match with " of Cagliari " let out Sebastyano Rossi instead of Jens Lehmann (the German played unsuccessfully moreover brought a penalty) directly on a game course, just before a penalty kick. And Rossi without any "warming up" reflected blow. " ", however, all the same ceded Milan to b 0:1 – the only goal was passed still by Lehmann.

That to our Yury Lodygin, he the ability to parry a penalty showed Villash-Boasha practically at the first acquaintance. In March, 2014 in a match " the Zenith " – " Krylja Sovetov ", the first for the Portuguese in Russia, Lodygin reflected at once Luís Kabalyero's two blows from a point thanks to what owners could win 2:1. Lodygin really the goalkeeper incredibly jumping, and emotionality which sometimes disturbs it in game, to series of after match penalties goes to it only on advantage.