Pupils of school No. 1252 of Cervantes found new friends from the Madrid Colegio Base

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Twelve pupils of school No. 1252 of Cervantes took part in the international program of an exchange with Base school of Madrid. Under the terms of the program the Spanish school students the first arrived to Moscow and lodged in hospitable Russian families of our pupils. The week spent by Spaniards in the capital, became saturated the cultural events, interesting meetings and entertainments.

The project caused a resonance in the press. About adventures of the Spanish children in Moscow "Evening Moscow" wrote, Russia Today news agency published on the website the reporting since the holiday devoted to Birthday of school of Cervantes on which there were Spanish guests.

In time to make friends Russians and the Spanish children accompanied by the coordinator of the international projects of Yu.A school. Karasyova went to Madrid. In Colegio Base of children looked forward and accorded rather royal welcome. At an entrance to school all pupils were built and the elementary school teacher, amicably chanting"? Rusia, Rusia! " and swinging the Russian flags.

Full of bright impressions, young Muscovites plunged into life of the Spanish school. Children visited various lessons, had dinner in school cafeteria, performed homeworks, did creative mini-projects. The presentation of traditional dishes of Russian cuisine in Spanish became the most interesting task.

Besides occupations a baby was expected also by the highly topical cultural program. They visited fine medieval Segovyyu, visited a sightseeing tour across Madrid and in the legendary museum of Prado, learned to prepare traditional Spanish tortilyyu.

The Spanish families in which there lived the Russian school students, tried to do everything possible that their stay became unforgettable. Children carried to Warner Brothers amusement park, to the royal palace in Arankhuesa, they visited a football match of the Real of Madrid team, show of dance of a flamenco, restaurants national Spanish cuisine, etc.

Week in Madrid past quickly. Saying goodbye, the Spanish and Russian children could not constrain tears, promised not to forget each other and shortly to meet again. There are no doubts that these two weeks have very much importance in life of pupils of school No. 1252. They got invaluable experience of cross-cultural communication, intensive language practice, expanded the knowledge of Spain, its life, traditions and culture, told Spaniards about Russia and found new friends. The school of Cervantes hopes that the project will proceed and develop, strengthening friendship bonds between Spain and Russia.