The international festival of the Russian romance "Store Me, My Mascot" in Slovenia collected record number of participants

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  • -> the USA (Washington) on April 18, 2016 13:24

    during taken place in the Russian cultural center in Washington lectures the well-known Spanish traveler Alvaro de Maritchalar urged to intensify cooperation with Russia.

    Since 1987 Alvaro de Maritchalar gives lectures worldwide on which imparts the experience which has been saved up during expeditions. The traveler urges to realize more deeply than the value of cultural diversity and opportunity to learn to develop dialogue between the people on the basis of mutual respect of cultures, civilizations and religions.

    About five years the Spaniard lived p in Russia and, by own recognition, madly fell in love with our country. "There my routes lay by absolutely small cities on Volga and Neva, and everywhere I met people who were always ready to come me to a rescue, I always felt their positive energy. In Russia there live beautiful people with great culture and history" - the Spanish traveler noted, addressing audience of the American students, representatives of diplomatic corps, public figures and mass media.

    the further travel along west banks of America the Spaniard will devote to p memories of the Russian diplomat and one of founders of the Russian-American company Nikolay Rezanov (1763-1807).

    the Native of an aristocratic family Alvaro de Maritchalar gained the world popularity thanks to that became the first person in the world which managed to cross the Atlantic Ocean on the water bike. He established 11 world records and alone made more than 40 water travel.