In agricultural enterprises Yelets district at full speed go a sowing campaign
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In agricultural enterprises Yelets district at full speed go a sowing campaign

In area agricultural enterprises – LLC "Yeletsky Agrokompleks", LLC "YELETSKY", LLC "KOLOS AGRO", country farms at full speed goes a sowing campaign. In the GNU "Yelets experimental station on potatoes" sowing of barley started on April 13. Works on soil preparation are carried out to LLC "Svetly put" under colza sowing: introduction of mineral fertilizers, cultivation. LLC "Kurganovsky" and LLC "AGROTALITSKOE" respectively 1,3 and 2,5 thousand hectares prepare the soil under the sunflower sowing, the planned which areas of sowing in these farms.

As a whole on the area the early grain are seeded on the area of 4 thousand hectares from planned 20,8 thousand hectares or 19% of the area of sowing (on area of the early grain 17% of the area of sowing are seeded).

Sugar beet is seeded on the square — 2 thousand hectares - 23% (on area — 10%).

Source: Administration of the municipal district Yeletsk of the Lipetsk region of the Russian Federation