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It is best of all to predict life expectancy of the person on ability of the individual to overcome distance and to walk upstairs, the group of scientists of university of Georgetown claims.

According to experts, measurement of length of the telomer located on trailer sites of chromosomes, – far not to learn the most certain way, how many years the person will live, writes the resource. It is considered that length of these sites speaks about life expectancy of an organism, and over the years they are shortened. However for an assessment of telomer physicians need to make very many efforts.

For five years scientists watched indicators of mortality of people of aged age from the USA, Costa Rica and Tayvani. Unlike any fortune-telling measurement of length of telomer was slightly more exact in a question of life expectancy of the individual, however on the actual age of the person to predict probability of death was much simpler and more exact.

Lyudmila Petrova.