Dump. Steve Montador: fatal collision

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Concussion — the same thing natural to the hockey player, as burns for the fireman. Players assume blow behind blow to achieve the common objectives — a victory. But then some it is necessary to pay for it with too high price. In the next material of the heading "Dump" it will be a question of such example.

Steve Montador/Foto: © Gettyimages/Fotobank.ru

It was typical February Sunday for the forward "Chicago" Dan Karsillo. "Hawks" should meet "Pittsburgh". As usual, it came into a locker room of team and started changing clothes for pre-game expansion. Suddenly at it phone rang out. Having seen on the screen a name of the close girlfriend, Dan for some reason felt a strange feeling — as if now will hear bad news. Instincts sometimes after all should be trusted. The shivering voice choking in tears on that party of a tube reported about death of the best companion Karsillo on hockey shop.

could not simply Believe

in it. Dan mechanically continued to change clothes. It always learned to struggle with pain, not very well what — physical or moral. His look fell to the place once belonging to Steve. He again heard this loud sincere laughter. Karsillo left the room to tie laces in the trainer's room. There at this moment it was empty, and nobody saw its tears. On return to Dan's locker room Johnathan Teyvz who on a look of the clubmate in a flash understood that there was something awful met. He tried to calm the friend, but it sufficed for a while. During Karsillo's warm-up circle understood that further to try to restrain it is useless. The team already was aware of everything. Somehow Dan reached Joel Kennevill's office and reported that with "penguins" he will not play.

the Death Steve Montador shook by p the hockey world on both sides of Atlantic. This guy in 35 years managed to do a way from Vancouver to Toronto transit through Zagreb. It protected colors of six NHL clubs, everywhere to some extent leaving the trace. However, a little that connected with the hometown of Steve — at early age he moved to Mississogu, the suburb of Toronto where began career in local junior leagues. In the same place in twenty years his body also will be found … Unlike many other heroes of a heading, at early stages Montador a gain of medals and trophies did not differ. The sound defender of the attacking plan acted in teams middling persons of League of Ontario (OHL) where in a year gathered the 20–30 points. It it appeared insufficiently to be in full view of scouts, and on the Draft nobody paid attention to it. But if the majority nezadraftovanny or shortly finish career, or make the way in any semi-professional club, Steve continued to work with the doubled diligence over himself. And here already twenty-year-old defender became one of the best assistants to the championship in structure "Peterborough Pitts" — then about it and started talking in the highest hockey society.

Steve Montador/Foto: © Gettyimages/Fotobank.ru

the quickest appeared "Fleymz" — they engaged Montador in the system directly during Steve's successful performances for "Pitts", having signed it as free agent and having taken away right after a team departure from OHL playoffs. The guy got out of the frying pan into the fire, in some days having left to fight for Calder's Cup in structure "Saint John Fleymz". From it nobody waited for instant result, but already a year later farm "sparks" for the first time in history became the winner of AHL. Certainly, with Montador's direct participation. In the next season to the hockey player gave the chance to debut top-level. On November 23 2001st it came to ice with burning letter C on a breast and not less burning eyes in a match against "Baffalo", and even managed to cause a stir a goal pass. And one and a half months later the young defender sent a washer straight to gate of future general manager of "Aylenders" Garth Snow. It is unlikely in this world is though one hockey player who would not remember the first goal in NHL. However, in Calgary Steve yet did not receive a constant registration. It had to ply between the capital of the Canadian cowboys and Saint John, and before Christmas it even took … in Canadian national team! Certainly, not in the main: "maple leaves" are invariable participants of the Cup of Spengler since 1984. The team is made generally by players of the European clubs (past December, for example, its ranks joined Matt Allison), and also some perspective hockey players of AHL. Such alloy of three categories: finishing the career, not revealed in America and perspective young growth. Just Montador also got to the last group. Its collective conceded in the final to owners of tournament, "Davos" — 3:4 in an overtime. Through ten with small years the defender will return to Europe — already absolutely in other status.

Steve Montador sends to href to Ryan Hollvega's knock-down from "Reyndzhers" / the Photo: © Gettyimages/Fotobank.ru

AHL Record on the throws put for one game, became the next argument in favor of Steve. In some days the defender "Fleymz" Bob Bugner breaks a thumb, and in the main line-up there is an empty seat. Montador comes back to NHL, while as the seventh defender. But it is more to any farmy it do not send. It is urged to help club to interrupt seven-year absence in a playoffs, namely such task faced "sparks" for a season-03/04. The hypermarket which have got over on a post Daryl Satter started building fast, physically strong collective. Chris Druri exchanged for Rhett Uorrener and Steve Raynprekht, and the place in gate was taken by Mikka Kipryusoff. And, certainly, the peak of the form was reached by Jerome Iginla — a new legend of "Calgary". The magnificent game "Fleymz" in defense allowed to reach long-awaited result: having taken the sixth place in the West, the team after all left in a playoffs. Only 176 passed washers — the second result after "Dallas" in conference, besides that at "stars" were only one less. But soon the main defenders of team Tony Lyudman and Denis Gaultier are traumatized. "Matador", namely such conformable nickname with a surname was assigned to the hockey player, for the first time in life managed to be overcome for the Stanley Cup. And, devil take it, it almost took it!

"Steve was the most typical player of those "Fleymz". With individual skill it was not allocated, but it had a huge heart, and it did everything for the sake of team in so important time for it. Always was cheerful, encouraged all in a locker room. Without such guys we would have no chances to reach the final" — Gaultier remembers.

"Warm-up throws on gate we called blockquote "Monty-shotami". Mikka, you do not want some Monty-shotov? It very diligent worked at trainings, including helping to gain the necessary standards to goalkeepers. Thanks to it our goalkeepers felt surely" — the trainer of goalkeepers of "sparks" of that time Daniel told Mark.

Steve Montador blocks Ilya Kovalchuka/Foto's throw: © Gettyimages/Fotobank.ru

the Victory over "Vancouver" became for club of the first in a playoffs from that champion the 1989th. Martin Zhelina's goal in an overtime of the seventh match caused general triumph on streets of Calgary. Fans and did not dare to think that it only began: further "Detroit" — one of the main favourites of tournament was prostrate. In two last matches "red wings" at all never managed to unpack gate "Fleymz". In the final of the West there were "sharks". Overtime of the first match, score 3:3. Having remained in proud loneliness in others zone, Montador receives a pass from Iginla and sends a washer straight to Evgeny Nabokov's gate — its only, but what important goal in volume play-off! All partners started embracing the newly made hero, and his enthusiastic cry, appear, could be heard far outside the arena. Having overcome "San Jose", the team made the real furor. Its return to a cup-final of Stanley anybody did not wait. Winners of three divisions were one by one moved away, and to the treasured purpose it was necessary to take only one step. The happy end in this fairy tale about "Cinderella" was prevented by only one: lightning. Florida and if to be more exact — from a bay Tampa. We already told in detail about that opposition and about that structure of "Laytning" as a whole. Costs, unless to add about the numerous disputes accompanying this series till the end and still some time after. First, after several not absolutely obvious decisions in favor of "lightnings" of the chief arbitrator Kerri Fraser discharged of refereeing in the sixth game which had to take place in Calgary, and then appointed it to a decisive seventh match in Tampa. Daryl Satter called all this situation "sharp unwillingness of NHL of a victory "Fleymz" in the Stanley Cup". Secondly, in the same sixth match at the equal account Nikolay Khabibulin on the line of gate stopped the washer flying by a ricochet from the fad of Zhelina. It seemed to much that the washer managed to cross completely the line, what even is to some extent traced on a number of repetitions. However, the League officially recognized the image on video disputable as the shell at that moment was in air, instead of on ice. As a result "Tampa" won the second overtime then won in the seventh match. It was not fated to achieve the treasured objectives Montadora, but then, together with other members of team, in the city him welcomed as the real hero.

"Steve always was the underestimated player. Made the way from the bottoms, won Calder's Cup. Know, this small interval of time in "Calgary" very brightly characterized its relation to the business, and environments — to it — one more good friend Montadora Mike Kommodor tells. — That spring ours took place with it baptism of fire. Both of us were only just "lifted" from farma, and practically at once proved in fight for a champion's title. At us in general much in common, even surnames are conformable".

lock-out was farther than blockquote, and Steve decided to go to Europe again. Now not on week tournament, and on the whole championship. However, the small — Magnus's French League. On the border with Germany and Switzerland there is a town Mulyuz where the Skorpionz team acts. There also Montador went, having invited at the same time the clubmate Stephen Raynprekht. "Reaction of fans surpassed all expectations — as if to us there arrived Zinedine Zidane. These children provided us regular notices" — the president of club joyfully reported. Having won back that season in much more sparing mode, than usually, hockey players got local champion titles then their club broke up, and they returned to Calgary. As it became clear, for "Matador" there especially and did not wait: to it the place on a bench was prepared again. By December Steve took active part only in seven matches then became part of the transaction with "Florida" in exchange for Christian Huselius. "Sparks" received the high quality forward, and Montador — game time. All are happy.

Steve Montador in shape "Florida Panters" / Photo: © Gettyimages/Fotobank.ru

For two and a half seasons in "Florida" Steve started gathering again productivity points. About a playoffs, however, for this time it was necessary to forget, not that was team. But thus Montador always had higher than zero the major for defenders an indicator "plus/minus", on as functionaries of "Anaheim" paid attention. Monty had again an opportunity to play a playoffs. Also made it, but already for other club: on spring it was compelled to turn from "duck" into "bear". And the cause is 125 minutes of a penalty — actually, on two for game. Record (or anti-record) for Montador result since performances in junior leagues. However, it is unlikely it strongly upset him: having won back in "Bryuinz" only 13 matches of regular superiority, Steve became the winner of the Northeast Division. It never appeared the tough guy, but nevertheless it is possible to find some curious videos in a network with fights with its direct participation. And the most interesting, perhaps, can call its duel with … Dan Karsillo who then played in "Philadelphia".

Steve Montador in fight against the friend Dan Karsillo/Foto: © <= to "http://news .sportbox.ru/Text/main/license_agreement"> to Gettyimages/Fotobank.ru to

They were not rather familiar to a href yet and simply performed the work. Their ways will meet in "Chicago" only in a couple of years. The friendship history sometimes gives out very unexpected and sharp turns. It is difficult to believe that the person, so persistently metelivshy the opponent, will appear subsequently one of his best friends. In Daniel's grieving look and now it is possible to see a regret about harm which it anyway nevertheless did to Monty's health. Play-off "Boston" without defeats passed the most opponent in principle in the first round, "Montreal". But "Carolina", able to beat out any of draw was farther. Here identification of the winner required seven meetings following the results of which "hurricanes" won while the last victory in the history in a playoffs.

Steve Montador in shape "Boston" fights with Luke Shenn from the "Toronto" / Photo: © Gettyimages/Fotobank.ru

More "bears" did not need services of "Matador". Having received the status of the free agent, in the next season the player appears in "Baffalo". "Blades" did not manage to hold at herself Yaroslava Shpacheka therefore they had a need for the strong defender. In structure "Seybrz" Montador gathered the greatest number of points in the career. But figures not always display reality: by spring the 2011th Steve considerably handed over, and in the first round of the Stanley Cup (in rivals there was "Philadelphia") before decisive seventh game the trainer decides "to stir up" collective some changes one of which there was Monty's departure in a stock. More it in a sweater "Baffalo" did not come to ice — the exchange in "Chicago" followed.

Steve Montador is protected by "http://s.s-ports.ru/images/styles/800_800_auto/fp_fotos/d9/6d/2e21fe758abe4e521a2eb318c39d2d1a5702d78f21480592304716.jpg" against Andrey Kostitsyn from the "Montreal" / Photo: © <= "http://news.sportbox.ru/Text/main/license_agreement"> Gettyimages/Fotobank.ru

There also began a href a true friendship between Montador and Karsillo. These two found at once a common language. "Having received in January injury of crucial ligaments, I took a heavy course of restoration. Steve very strongly helped me to cope with it both physically, and morally. I think, the reason of that we so became friends … Excuse … — here Dan giving video interview to the local edition, again takes a break to try to constrain rolled wave of tears. — We had many common interests, and hockey among them was far not on the first roles. We could talk for hours about things which never would interest other hockey players in life. For example, about spiritism. At it it was possible to learn much to that that I, actually, and did". They won back together no more than half a year, will not be gathered even three tens matches, but more firm friendship, at least, on this party of a platform, at them was not and will not be. But together they will not happen to come to ice any more. Steve in general will not play NHL more. Closer to the end of regular superiority he will get the most serious concussion which will demand long treatment. The defender Ayskhogs" send in farm, "Rockford. But completely from this blow "Matador" could not recover. It was the beginning of its end.

Steve Montador was linked by "http://s.s-ports.ru/images/styles/800_800_auto/fp_fotos/1f/5e/5be689fa8e8c0e71ff8f347f9e0690865702d78f2038c023219254.jpg" to Jahmal Myers from the "Toronto" / Photo: © Gettyimages/Fotobank.ru

I again Europe. KHL, Zagreb "Medveshchak" . Such similarity of Canadian national team on Spengler's Cup — the team consisting from either not played, or players which has won back in America. It already not so that 22-year-old fellow with a maple leaf on the breast, fighting for a victory on Christmas tournament so as if defends honor of the country at the Olympic Games. Who is he now — a legend? No, certainly. The sound defender with a wide experience behind shoulders? Here it is perhaps closer. But Steve could not play any more. In KHL it played 11 matches, having issued 3 goal passes and having received 33 minutes of a penalty then said goodbye to career of the player.

in recent years Monty took active part in different charity. It actively supported the Right for Game fund helping children living in poverty to play sports and to create to itself(himself) with its help the best life. Several times visited Africa where helped with the organization of a number of programs. And during season-12/13 lock-out Steve represented interests of labor union of players in disputes with league. Beat out more favorable conditions rather for the companions, than for itself. The contract signed as a result works to this day, but one of his creators is not present more.

Steve had a big linking of identical keys, and thus he constantly remembered, what of them from a door of his house in Missisoge. Friends and relatives even more often began to notice in it negative changes. "When all of us gathered for Christmas, I saw: it was already not so that Stevie whom all of us knew before — the brother Chris tells him. — As though in his body lodged other person. My heart was ready to become torn on pieces from seen". And the hockey player from anybody did not hide that started suffering from a depression. Many say that it led to problems with alcohol and drugs. But after all Montador found forces for fight. And, it is rather not for itself, and for others. It began to put considerable part of the means earned for game career in researches of consequences of serious sports injuries (and sports activities as a whole) for nervous system and mentality of the person. Moreover, he wrote the will in which disposed to give after death the brain to the scientific medical center. However, such act could not but install in people around still big fears for its state. Steve tried not to leave one for long time, encouraged this once fervent guy who itself could support and amuse any earlier. "He tried to be former, did not want that we worried, but at him it turned out nothing" — Chris continues.

"To people happens very difficult to wean from activity to which they devoted all the time. Without it there are many unclear feelings of uncertainty, fear, rage. I passed through all this, and it seems to me that I on a right way to recovery" — spoke Montador.

to It was for the sake of what to live: ahead there could be a trainer's career, work on television, well or simply quiet family life somewhere in Europe or in the same suburb of Toronto. And still, any day he was going to become a father. And here …

Steve Montador/Foto: © Gettyimages/Fotobank.ru

I here comes that Sunday which forever has changed life of at least several relatives to it of the person. "Matador" did not become suddenly — he was found dead in the house in Missisoge. "He simply ceased to breathe. As though its organism was tired to work. In this engine for a long time pistons worked with not all. It is that case when 70 years of life were contained in 35" — of what relatives of the hockey player so strongly were afraid, after all it happened. Further — ordinary sad picture: shocking news flew about all hockey world, and all again started talking about harm which athletes do to the health. The great number of friends and colleagues gathered on a funeral, and each of them said the portion of warm words. Generally all emphasized cheerfulness and fun which was radiated always by Monty. And which so did not suffice to him in recent days. Following the results of investigation of any traces of violent death, including suicide, it was revealed not. As though really someone took and simply pressed the Vykl button. Later that research institute which has received bequeathed Steve, will make the diagnosis: chronic traumatic encephalopathy. In other words, after several serious concussions, from which that ill-fated episode in "Chicago" became solving, separate, most affected or simply vulnerable areas of a brain started degrading. All this was accompanied by classical symptoms: depression, memory loss, deterioration of the general health. By the way, the same showed similar research at Todd Yuen and Bob Probert . Then the timer which has begun for Montador a countdown was started. On February 15 the 2015th year on it the figure "zero" was lit. And four days later his son was born.

"In the last days of the life Steve admitted to me that very much wants to help people, to try to change the world to the best" — the father of the hockey player speaks. In December of last year the family of the player submitted the claim on NHL. He was going to make it — wanted to seize means in favor of the companions suffering from similar problems. In the statement it is said that the League did not provide all necessary to help Montador after completion of career.

Dan Karsillo was one of those who bore a coffin with a body of the friend. He endured this loss not less, than Steve's relatives: "In my consciousness everything mixed up. If he felt so badly why did not ask anybody for the help? And why nobody helped it? I could not get rid all this in any way. Decided to remember something that me will make laugh: as Monty after expansion got dirty with hair gel and ran in a locker room in one linen. To me only became worse". Dan also decided to continue business of "Matador" — the truth, it is a little in a different way. In last season he became again the owner of the Stanley Cup together with "Chicago" then decided to draw media exposure, having declared opening of charity foundation under the name "Chapter Fifth" (in honor of Montador's game number in "Blekhouks"). "Right after a funeral thoughts began to visit me: why players of NHL so hard have time right after the end of career? Why my many acquaintances suffer from a depression? Why the hockey community so quickly forgets about them? And why still there is no program which would help them to get used to a new way of life? " — with such words Dan began to tell about mission of fund. Steve very strongly wanted to help people, but wished even more strongly that more anybody in the world was not comprehended by its fate. And now Karsillo does everything that the last dream of the friend became closer to reality.

Photo: © Gettyimages/Fotobank.ru

Having received the Cup per day in private use, Dan went on the golf course where two friends had often a rest after wearisome trainings:

"Most of all hockey players miss not heat of fight or tens of thousands of enthusiastic audience. The main thing that starts not to sufficing — it here such moments when in breaks between matches it is possible to relax, have a rest and forget about all problems. And now I again on this field, but only Steve here more never will be. Though sometimes it seems to me that just about the silence will be broken by his loud, silly laughter. Monty, thank you for that was my friend. I will always remember you".

Earlier in the heading "Dump":

Scott Parker. Sheriff and hairdresser

Ric Raypyen. Not found happiness

Brian Berard. Unhappy talent

Steve Moore. Provocation by the price in career

Trent McCleary. Price of one throw

Clint Malarchuk. Been born under a lucky star

Tony Twist. Hockey player, biker and legendary fighter

Jim Cary. "Эйс", "Mask" and Washington flash

Steve Cheysson. The guy with which not to go on reconnaissance any more

Vladimir Konstantinov. Hero of the city of motors

John Kordik. "Rambo" who has lost to

Derek Bugard. Life as fight

Eric Daze. Broken, but not broken hawk

Jerzy Fischer: Happy-end of bad evening

Sergey Zholtok: Hurrying to live

Dmitry Tertyshny: Rising star falling

Mike Danton: Got out of "Dump"

Alexander Deygl: The talent which has disappointed all


Dan Snyder: Two broken destinies for one night

Bob Probert: King of police officers

Wade Belak: Under weight of career of the tough guy

Ric Dipyetro: Crystal hero

Teo Fleri: Take-off and falling of a mighty little mouse. Часть1. Part 2

Todd Yuen: Animal on ice and the person of the house

Patrick Stefan: Funny miss

Antero Niittimyaki: The smith of silver and brought-down "pilot"