In Salekhard carried out scientific master classes for young journalists

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In Salekhard carried out scientific master classes for young journalists

Today in Salekhard passed master classes for young journalists of Salekhard, Labytnanog and Harp on publicizing of scientific activity.

They were carried out by council of young scientists and experts at the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, scientific center of studying of the Arctic and the interregional forwarding center "Arctic" with department support on science and innovations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. Action dated for 85-year anniversary of the Yamal mass media and holding a festival of science.
the Deputy director of scientific center of studying of the Arctic, the chairman of the board of young scientists and experts at the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Galina Tumanova noted that the purpose of master classes – to popularize science, to acquaint school students with the Yamal scientists and their researches, to explain to them how more well to state difficult scientific subjects. She reported that on April 13 pupils will be able to ask at a press conference questions to the director of the center, scientists, the representatives of public authorities supervising questions of science.
Before school students with lecture "Why scientists go to a field? " the project manager of the interregional forwarding center "Arctic", the doctor of geographical sciences Elena Nuykina acted. The Doctor of Philology Natalia Tsymbalistenko told about activity of sector of ethnology and creativity of young Yamal poets Sofya Nyach and Albert Okotetto. The press secretary Tatyana Konstantinova explained to school students, the scientific journalism why is necessary. For children conducted tour on scientific center of studying of the Arctic.
