Together against drugs
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On April 6, 2016 in Rognedino passed the first municipal forum " Youth against drugs ", become continuation of a regional student's forum " Together against drugs ", as a platform for which FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "BRYANSKY STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER AKADEMIKA I. G. PETROVSKOGO", BGU

acted on March 10, 2016

As organizers of municipal action Bryansk region, department of formation of Administration of the Rognedino district Bryansk region acted Meeting of young deputies. The forum brought together at Rognedinsky school about 100 people of youth — generally pupils of the senior classes of seven schools of the area.

In a forum participated: Rognedinsky regional council of People's Deputies Kazakov Aleksey; vice-chairman Bryansk region region duma, Chairman of Meeting of young deputies Bryansk region Minakov Vitaly; head of department of formation of Administration of the Rognedino district Molotkova Helena, and also members of Meeting of young deputies Bryansk region: Yegorenkov Eugenie, Gorbachev Igor, Polovinkin Dimitri, Kotov Dimitri, Akulova Julia, Kondrashov Denise, Korolev Sergei, Elenakharitonova.

Before a ceremonial opening guests of a forum visited the museum of Rognedinsky SOSh.

The creative association " Art Drive " (TSRTDIYU) with statement "Youth — the future Russian Federation! " and the song performed by Maloletnyaya Victoria opened the action, which purpose not only it is simple to discuss a drug addiction problem, and to help to understand the reason of this trouble and to teach the youth sitting in a hall, to secure itself against this problem. To it were devoted both performances, and videos – laconic and convincing. Kazakov Aleksey – chapter Rognedino district the chairman of Regional council of People's Deputies.

Acting said that a today's forum, as initiators and which organizers young deputies Bryansk region acted, it is carried out in order that everyone developed the correct and not indifferent relation to a problem and could protect native, close from this trouble.

The head of department of formation of Administration of the Rognedino district Molotkova Helena, noted, welcoming gathered that wishing health, telling the word "hello" it is impossible to forget that the concept "health" and "drugs" are incompatible and wished fruitful work at a forum. Before going for work on discussion platforms, participants joined hands, symbolizing that only together – we force!

Very active work in the form of dialogue, in an informal situation, without ties, was conducted at once in two sections: "Youth — for a healthy lifestyle! " and "We choose by life! ".

On the first platform to school students Rognedino district " moderators Kotov Dimitri, Gorbachev Igor, Korolev Sergei helped to create " the Code of a healthy lifestyle of youth.

Platform work "We choose by life! " moderators Yegorenkov Eugenie, Polovinkin Dimitri coordinated, Akulova Julia, Kharitonova Helena, Kondrashov Denise. By means of absolutely simple figures Kharitonova Helena very convincingly showed how "lifeline" if it is broken deadly "high" by drugs comes to an end quickly. And as the threads holding the person on "a life grief" if he got to terrible dependence are quickly torn. On each platform of audience shared on groups, chose the name and a slogan, and worked in compliance with the directions of sections.

The chairman of Meeting of young deputies Bryansk region took part in work of two sections. On a platform "Youth for a healthy lifestyle " the numerous world champion proved why sports activities are alternative to addictions. Participating in section work " We choose life! " he emphasized that "… softly it is impossible to speak about drugs — not that subject! ", to save itself from trouble, the person can, having the correct personal motivation and leaning on a family support, friends, societies.

Work of both platforms took place very fruitfully: Young deputies, preservations of physical and mental health of young generation well understanding special importance, spoke about drug addiction, without reading lecture – they talked to youth simply, well, clearly. And children not simply listened to them, and heard and, most likely, will draw the correct conclusions.

Summing up the results, members of Meeting of young deputies noted that the youth Rognedino district, did not remain is indifferent to problems which discussed at a forum, having proved it active participation in work and expressed gratitude to the area for holding a forum. To department of formation of the area, all schools which have participated in a forum, Certificates of honor were handed over. Viewing of the social roller which created by pupils of Rognedinsky school in 2011 and has taken a prize in regional competition became the final moment of action. In only some minutes on the screen short life, stridently and ridiculously crossed out by drugs flew by … This video finished a forum, but the end is not put – while dots because the problem of drug addiction is real, and it is possible to overcome it only, having risen TOGETHER AGAINST DRUGS.

Solovyeva Nadezhda