In Srednyaya Ahtuba district the region's first experiment on heat supply modernization came to the end
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In the settlement of city type Central Akhtuba the project on boiler room modernization is complete. Works were performed by experts of one of the largest companies Russian Federation. Financing was carried out from means settlement budgets. The cost of the project made about 66 million rubles.

In the settlement of city type Central Akhtuba the project on boiler room modernization is complete. Works were performed by experts of one of the largest companies Russian Federation. Financing was carried out from means settlement budgets. The cost of the project made about 66 million rubles.

On press conferences, devoted the considerable event in life of the settlement of city type, about details of the realized project was told by representatives of administration of genitive. Central Akhtuba and area and staff of the company performer.

At a meeting with journalists statistical data were sounded: wear of heat power assets to Russian Federation makes more than 45%, accident rate of heating systems which in 68% of cases are compelled to operate with excess of standard service life grows. Besides, heat losses, so the overexpenditure of resources and, corresponding, the budget money, reaches 30%.

Municipal problems exist in each subject Russian Federation. Is not an exception and our region. However a problem of establishing order in all spheres, and first of all in questions of the organization of Household management company, the governor put before the deputies and heads of areas and settlements Volgograd region Andrey Bocharov. And now in the region the policy of attraction of investments in socially significant projects is actively pursued.

One of successful examples of interaction private businesses and the authorities became the project of modernization of the boiler room, realized in the working settlement Akhtuba. Here because of catastrophic wear of the equipment accident rate on networks reached a point 40 – such quantity of cases of break of pipes and a stop of giving of heat was registered in 2013-2014. Coppers to which was at that time nearly half a century (are established in 1965), were used not on full capacity. As a result inhabitants constantly complained of cold temperatures in the houses, and the boiler room warming 23 five-storey buildings and 40 two-storeyed houses, and together with it budget the settlement meanwhile incurred huge losses. In 2014 load of the old equipment working at coal fuel, even grew: to a boiler room connected two new houses, built according to the resettlement program from shabby housing. As a result immediate actions were required.

- The decision to enter any program was made to improve a situation with a heat supply, - the deputy of chapter of Administration Gorodskoye genitive settlements. Central Akhtuba Sokolov Vasilii. - At that time already the program of power savings started, and we partially according to it could realize the project on lighting: street lamps were replaced. But the state money ended, and to us anything else did not remain how to announce competition and to look for investors. Because budget settlements scanty, and the question price as it appeared, 66 million: that is at budget settlements in 45 million such money cannot be found.

Competition was won by Company KRoK – one of the largest suppliers of IT services in the country. Its project of modernization of the equipment was recognized as the best: specialists of companies managed to consider the main condition – works have to be organized so that there was no stop of giving of heat during a heating season.

For this reason this project became the first stage of large-scale reconstruction: works on its realization were conducted from August to December, 2014. As a result accident rate was significantly reduced and the number of complaints from inhabitants was reduced.

There was also other reason of division of the plan of performance of necessary replacements of the equipment: company, not being the borrower of money, expressed readiness to begin works on boiler room modernization without advance payment.

- Because budget administrations is distributed for a year and subordinated to rigid planning, at the first stage Company KRoK raised borrowed funds and the work beginnings without advance payment. It was our first experience of use of the similar scheme of financings, - the director of the department of intellectual buildings of companies Shirokov Alexander commented on participation of KROK in the project.

Experts in 2014 replaced two coppers on 4 MWt everyone. The equipment was delivered to Central Akhtuba from Italy, from manufacturing plant. For performance of work and cost of coppers the settlement administration completely paid off with the company performer a year later after object input in operation. The sum of payments made 32 million rubles.

The second competition was declared at the beginning of 2015. Again Company KRoK won. The new project presented on the commission, had very important advantage: the domestic analogs of the equipment made on Smolensk plant were declared. The similar import substitution which is not worsening qualities of services, was able to afford to save about 3 million rubles. And the 4 MWt Russian coppers were established in a short time without decrease in giving of heat and a heat carrier stop.

Upon completion of the reconstruction project the boiler room began to work in an automatic mode: temperature of the heat carrier given to a network of heating, is regulated now depending on external temperature. For 10% the consumption of gas was cut. There was no accident, the number of complaints decreased to zero. Four coppers with a general power of 16 MWt are capable to provide warm 160 000 sq.m of rooms. Warranty period of service of the new equipment – twenty years.

For the works which have been carried out within the second stage, administration of the settlement of city type Central Akhtuba plans to pay off completely with the contractor by 2017. The first payments are already made according to strictly painted schedule.

- Payment for the performed works will be made by us within a year after object input in operation. We are grateful companies for this possibility of payment by installments. Also I can tell that we will not stop on modernization of one boiler room, - the deputy head of settlement administration Sokolov Vasilii assured.

Sredneatubintsa got the first experience of interaction with large business in questions of modernization of system of a heat supply. But ahead – new projects.

- To Volgograd region the largest of municipal projects Russian Federation on the volume of the confirmed investments is realized, - chapter of Administration Gorodskoye genitive settlements. Central Akhtuba Pastukh Aleksey. - Their volumes – about 58 billion rubles. In Central Akhtuba replacement of thermal networks, water disposal pipes and cold water supply with the general extent about 32 kilometers is planned. Today we develop the project. Then we will announce competition. Also we will hope that the good investor will come.

It is not excluded that company, positively proved in the project of modernization of a sredneakhtubinsky boiler room, will take part in the following competitions.

- The project on boiler room modernization in Central Akhtuba is a good joint experience and big study, - the representative of KROK Shirokov Alexander told on press conferences. – After it we hope and further to work in the Volgograd region.
